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Britain is Full and over crowding?

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Not neccessarily even working that much longer. I think what is needed is a more effective taxation system on those who have retired. When George Osborne brought in the so called 'Granny Tax' people complained and the papers showed images of down trodden poor pensioners being taxed on meagre pensions.


In reality many pensioners nowadays are in fact wealthy. They took advantage of the good free education system in the sixties, cheap plentiful housing and are now living mortgage free on ample pensions. Rather than taxing the elderly being a case of poor old Granny not being able to buy meat to go with her two veg anymore it's far more a case of poor old Granny having one less cruise a year to go on.


Effective taxation of the wealthy elderly really needs to be looked at as they are often the most wealthy in our society but they are no longer being taxed and are passing the burden for their care onto the younger generation rather than paying for it themselves because when they paid tax in their working lives they spent it on themselves and didn't save anything for their future.


Plenty of retired people pay tax on their pension, they also pay all the other tax’s that we pay, VAT, fuel duty.

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Do you know what, if you're are going to disagree on these points as I've said earlier I'm fine with it. It's akin with arguing with a flat-earther.


I'm interested that you keep putting forward, employ the unemployed as an answer. How do propose this'll work?


I'm also fine that you don't have an answer for the problems you think exist, I express my opinion and answer questions when asked, whilst you express your opinions but don't answer questions. There is little point in you saying I'm wrong when you have no idea how to solve the problem that the you claim exists.


Regarding the unemployed and how it will work, I have already answer the question.

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It won't. It would cause the same problems as mass unemployment several times over. If a job needs doing people should be employed on a fair wage to do it. In addition why should the tax payer fund people like Tesco getting cheap workers, it would just drive down wages, standard of living and increase unemployment.


But that doesn't mean the alternative is mass immigration which brings it's own problems. Instead the incentive to work should be a living wage in jobs with prospects and available training rather than McJobs whilst skilled immigrants are brought in.


Who said anything about employing the unemployed at Tesco, there are plenty of jobs that no one does because the country can't afford to pay anyone to do them, and there are plenty of job that immigrants come here to do because some of our unemployed don’t have the motivation to work

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So the politicians obsession for engaging in political spin for the last fifteen years has just passed you by?

There still has to be a semblance of fact.

I dont understand some people ,of course there is an immigration problem what is it you dont all understand,its not the BNP saying this now its the rulling government and the opposition,go on tell me they are all ruddy right wing fascists...take the blinkers off you may learn something.

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There still has to be a semblance of fact.

I dont understand some people ,of course there is an immigration problem what is it you dont all understand,its not the BNP saying this now its the rulling government and the opposition,go on tell me they are all ruddy right wing fascists...take the blinkers off you may learn something.


Got a point there Glamrocker, So now Milliband say's its ok, we can say "bugger off home" without being called a bigot or a racist ?


Game on.....

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Who said anything about employing the unemployed at Tesco, there are plenty of jobs that no one does because the country can't afford to pay anyone to do them, and there are plenty of job that immigrants come here to do because some of our unemployed don’t have the motivation to work


Yes, but personally I think that the motivation to work should come from making work pay rather than enforced labour which is why I'm against massive amounts of cheap immigrant labour being imported.

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