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Britain is Full and over crowding?

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But the killer question is 'would the market stand it'?


If British workers aren't competing for jobs with foreigners in the UK, the services and products we make will certainly be competing with them globally.


Increasing wages increases production costs which increases the price of those goods and services making them less competitive and therefore threatening the very jobs we're trying to protect.


There is an argument that an increase in wages would increase production and therefore lead to a drop in prices too. Before 2005 construction workers cost more but there was a building boom, the entry of workers from the ascension states simply allowed money to be diverted from workers salaries into profits, the industry wasn't depressed, it wasn't needed.

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Again it's fantasy and wishful thinking, yes wouldn't it be wonderful if there were an equal number of jobs to match the skills and number in the working population?


But it's never been so, how do you 'educate' and 'motivate' people who don't want to work or don't have the basic education or skills that employers want..in the right place at the right time?


The UK encouraged huge numbers of Afro-Caribbeans to work here because of 'Labour Shortages' several generations later their offspring are disproportionately unemployed, short-sighted short-term fix leading to a long term exacerbation of the original problem.

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Its a disgrace. A total disgrace. I am appalled by the 'non Britishness' of our once wonderful Island, if I am permitted to say that in this dismal political climate....


Jesus, we do we start with your view? As pointed out, this island has never been British, it has always had people from other parts of the world coming here for whatever reason.

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Its a disgrace. A total disgrace. I am appalled by the 'non Britishness' of our once wonderful Island, if I am permitted to say that in this dismal political climate....


watch this



learn, we barely have anything thats wholly "british", weve always had immigrants and invaders


saxons, vikings and romans gave us most of what we hold dear these days

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No it wouldn't. I'm talking about work being something people feel is worthwhile doing, that will make it financially worth their while to do it, not forcing them to do it.


Increasing wages won't necessarily cause inflation, wages have been falling in real term for everybody except for the very top earners for quite some time yet inflation has been high and people haven't been spending. A rise in wages at the moment might actually get the economy going rather than simply causing inflation.


Where will all these worthwhile jobs come from, the jobs that are available are the jobs that need doing, and if the unemployed won't do them and the governmnet won't motivate them to do the jobs then there is little choice but to allow immigration. If a restaurant has to pay its kitchen staff, cleaners, waiters and chefs more, then the meals will cost more.

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Where will all these worthwhile jobs come from, the jobs that are available are the jobs that need doing, and if the unemployed won't do them and the governmnet won't motivate them to do the jobs then there is little choice but to allow immigration. If a restaurant has to pay its kitchen staff, cleaners, waiters and chefs more, then the meals will cost more.


So what you are saying is that you want immigrants to come in and work for low wages and people who already live here to be forced to work for benefits as slave labour. So we all have no money except for the captains of industry who are monumentally wealthy and a thin strata of middle classes who benefit from the cheap labour.


The jobs are already here, they just need to pay better wages. Pre-1997 we had had restaurants, construction workers, cleaners, waiters and chefs, they were just paid better. This isn't a case of wanting silly money, just living wages which will allow people to have a decent standard of living. We've had it before and we could have it again.

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So what you are saying is that you want immigrants to come in and work for low wages and people who already live here to be forced to work for benefits as slave labour. So we all have no money except for the captains of industry who are monumentally wealthy and a thin strata of middle classes who benefit from the cheap labour.


The jobs are already here, they just need to pay better wages. Pre-1997 we had had restaurants, construction workers, cleaners, waiters and chefs, they were just paid better. This isn't a case of wanting silly money, just living wages which will allow people to have a decent standard of living. We've had it before and we could have it again.


Nope I want the government to motivate the unemployed to take the jobs that are available even if the jobs only pay the minimum wage.

I want the government to motivate employers to train and employ the unemployed.

I want a benefits system that rewards work and makes sure anyone working is better off than someone on benefits.

I want immigration to be significantly lower than it is.

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