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Britain is Full and over crowding?

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I've started reading the Daily Mail website to enable me to plan which particular stories they come up with will be reported on the forum and which are likely to take up moderating time.


One look at the headline on this one was enough to convince me this morning that we'd be getting this thread at some point today.


I think that explains quite a lot about the alarmist clap trap that the DM call 'news'.


Above and beyond the call of duty, or has Geoff updated moderators' terms and conditions?

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Guest sibon
I've started reading the Daily Mail website to enable me to plan which particular stories they come up with will be reported on the forum and which are likely to take up moderating time.




You just read it because you like it:D


On topic, I don't think I've ever read a more Daily Maily, Daily Mail story. Maybe it was written for a Daily Mail journo training course.

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A subject worthy of debat a not just DM alarmist clap trap.

Over-populated England The Telegraph


News that England is poised to become the most crowded nation in western Europe will come as little surprise to the millions who already battle their way to work in London and the South East.



Uncontrolled population growth threatens to undermine efforts to save the planet BBC

It's the great taboo of environmentalism: the size and growth of the human population.


It has a profound impact on all life on Earth, yet for decades it has been conspicuously absent from public debate.

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I've started reading the Daily Mail website to enable me to plan which particular stories they come up with will be reported on the forum and which are likely to take up moderating time.


One look at the headline on this one was enough to convince me this morning that we'd be getting this thread at some point today.


I think that explains quite a lot about the alarmist clap trap that the DM call 'news'.


... and how many times have the "usual suspects" started identical, frothing threads to this, whether facts are proven or not?

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My parents live in outer London in a 3 bed house which going back to 1983 was affordable to first time buyers. In recent years they have gone up to coming up to £500,000. Now they are being divided into flats and even the flats are not big cheap enough for first time buyers.


Last night on the show 'Secret History of our Streets' they had a feature on Caledonian Road and how people were squashed in, surreptious storeys were added to buildings and lighting cubes added to the pavement to allow accommodation below. Most shops on Caledonian Road which are not big now have accommodation for thirty people underneath each shop. The landlord took them on tours and said most of the workers were immigrant workers from restaurants and building sites and they weren't paying rock bottom prices for these places.


When you have huge amounts of new peopoe entering and the population going up dramatically you're going to have to find places to put these people and we haven't which is leading to a huge drop in the standard of housing for some people, particularly in London because people are just being squashed into substandard, small, divided or thrown up accommodation. If houses that would previously just have housed one family are now housing two or three and decent sized homes are becoming unaffordable as a result we're all suffering.

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... and how many times have the "usual suspects" started identical, frothing threads to this, whether facts are proven or not?

And how many times do the 'quick to stereo type in order to create ignorance of the subject' turn up with no opinion of the topic other than to cause conflict rather than debate.


Ok, prove or disprove some of the facts, get engaged instead of caricature assassination, lets hear some of your opinions on the subject at hand.


You have an opinion on the overstretched NHS, the overstretch of the infrastructure of the water supplies, the fact we are struggling with the energy needs of the country, that we import over 3 quarters of our food (ok this last statement is a guestimate) and then there's the housing needs.


A few things to have a go at there for you, keep your mind off having ago at other posters for daring to mention what concerns them. ;)

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