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Britain is Full and over crowding?

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Which isn't what you said.


If the amount paid became so attractive that it attracted foreign labour, thus causing the going to rate to fall somewhat and the local labour refused to adjust it's prices, then yes, like you say, they've then priced themselves out of the market.

The high prices in the first place though were down to a shortage.

There are still only 50% of school leavers going to university, the other 50% presumably are available to enter trades.


It’s precisely what I said and if you had followed the entire discussion you would have known that, the problem with the 50% that didn't go to uni is that they wasn’t inspired at school to follow a building trades and many of the apprenticeships had stopped. This left us short of builder and instead of training the unemployed the government chose the easy rout of importing skilled tradesmen from abroad.

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But not for the reason you suggest




They didn't need to be anything, they fell because they were high enough to attract foreign labour and alleviate the shortfall.


They did need to drop because people wanted building works doing at an affordable price.

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This article, by Ruth Edwards, (Telegraph 14 Apr 2011) is very even-handed and thought provoking.






So, Ed Miliband is ecohing what David Cameron said a year ago.


It was good to see, my fellow left winger, Hilary Benn (on the BBC) agree with Ed Miliband that it is not bigoted to be concerned about mass immigration.


No, what Miliband is actually saying is that he is going to get rid of the Tory caps on immigration, he just dressed it up in a lot of meaningless soundbites. And the soundbites have been reprted rather than the actual promise which was to get rid of the caps and increase immigration. Which is probably exactly what he intended.

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I wonder if some of the people on here would feel the same about immigration if they were white nurses coming from Australia and the USA.


Many of the immigrants over the past decade were white and the immigration debate is nothing to do with the colour of the immigrant and everything to do with the fact we have plenty of unemployed people and have no need for more people.

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Many of the immigrants over the past decade were white and the immigration debate is nothing to do with the colour of the immigrant and everything to do with the fact we have plenty of unemployed people and have no need for more people.


It has everything to do with colour, but people don't like to admit it, hence you argument about being labelled a racist.

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Since when does the price reflect what people want to pay?


When people won't the price for a product the price has to drop or the product stops being provided.



A good example is that house prices rose when people wanted to pay the price and are now falling because people don’t want to pay the price.

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It has everything to do with colour, but people don't like to admit it, hence you argument about being labelled a racist.


I have been labelled a racist and why does it matter to you what colour someone is?

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When people won't the price for a product the price has to drop or the product stops being provided.


No I think you are wrong. What people want to pay and what people are able to pay are two completely different things. You are confusing these two factors.

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