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Britain is Full and over crowding?

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But most of them have contributed throughout their life whilst some younger people will spend their life taking from the system and contributing nothing.




I wouldn't worry to much, in a few years time along with millions of Europeans they'll be scrabbling to find their way to Asia or Africa, in the hope of a better life.:hihi:

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Who and what will decide this figure, and it legitimacy?



for starters the so called Labour party should get back in touch with its roots ie the working class and what they actually want . They can start by recruiting more working class people into their currently dwindling membership and taking on board their views not the views which predominate today from a handful of London centric intellectuals , lawyers , former non productive individuals and the like who have never run anything in their lives and most of which to went to public school.[ as do their children ]

The working class do not want immigration in any way shape or form particulary in large numbers that does not make them Daily Mail readers or racists those labels are worn out . If the present leadership cannot cope or deal with this forget being re-elected .

whats your solution:suspect:

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for starters the so called Labour party should get back in touch with its roots ie the working class and what they actually want . They can start by recruiting more working class people into their currently dwindling membership and taking on board their views not the views which predominate today from a handful of London centric intellectuals , lawyers , former non productive individuals and the like who have never run anything in their lives and most of which to went to public school.[ as do their children ]

The working class do not want immigration in any way shape or form particulary in large numbers that does not make them Daily Mail readers or racists those labels are worn out . If the present leadership cannot cope or deal with this forget being re-elected .

whats your solution:suspect:


The working class will however expect to be able to have access to a doctor or a dentist in time of need and more than likely either of these will be an immigrant.


Just how many non immigrant native Brits are doctors, nurses and dentists anyhow?


A sizeable number of them are Indian, Pakistani, Iranian., Chinese and Phillipino in the US

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Based on the 2010 "Is Britain Fair" report by the EHRC.





Interpret the stats from here how you will:





The way I read it is that some ethnic groups are proportionately less of a burden on the state than the native white population. The Pakistani and Bangladeshi population however are almost twice the burden of the native white population. Take out pensioners (ie people who would not normally be considered part of the workforce) and the figures look worse.


Personally if I was a policy maker, it would appear to make sense that if we need immigrants to fill a skills or labour gap, workers from China and India should be given preference over say workers from Pakistan and Bangladesh as they and their families are less likely to be a burden on the state. :)


That's interesting. Okay they do as a group seem to claim more, but for each individual they are still claiming the same, you don't get given more money for being a muslim.

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One thing I will never forgive the Labour party for is the way they closed down all discussion on immigration whilest it was happening.


Anybody who even brought the subject up was immediately branded a racist. People lost their jobs just for stating the obvious, remember teacher Ray Honeyford, and that woman Gordon Brown branded a bigot?


In a country that prides itself on free speach, that is a disgrace.


A mealy mouthed, two faced, and too late apology from Mr.Milliband in no way begins to make up for that.


Mrs Thatcher was the prime minister and the Tories were in power when Ray Honeyford wrote his articles on multiculturism in schools.


Incidentally, free speech does not exist in this country.

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Mrs Thatcher was the prime minister and the Tories were in power when Ray Honeyford wrote his articles on multiculturism in schools.


Incidentally, free speech does not exist in this country.


Or any country.

Its a myth.

A bit like the myth that all gay men are bitchy:hihi:

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I didn't hear the speech in detail, but if that's what he's proposing he'd be absolutely wrong to do so.


Yes, he said:



‘I am not going to do what the Government does. I am not going to make a blanket promise about numbers'




This is not about imposing quotas. It is not about stopping firms hiring foreign workers.


So he would be scrapping the quotas the government have brought in.


What he did say he would do is enforce the minimum wage. I think this is irrelevant because as far as I'm aware this is not the problem - it's workers working for the minimum wage or close to it that is the problem. And he's also said that if in particular areas there are lots of migrants doing a particular job they will train locals up to do it. But that is shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.


There was no substance to what he said, he made all the right noises but the only concrete promise he made was to scrap the quotas. This has been hidden amongst the soundbites which was probably the intention.

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