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Britain is Full and over crowding?

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And how many times do the 'quick to stereo type in order to create ignorance of the subject' turn up with no opinion of the topic other than to cause conflict rather than debate.


Ok, prove or disprove some of the facts, get engaged instead of caricature assassination, lets hear some of your opinions on the subject at hand.


You have an opinion on the overstretched NHS, the overstretch of the infrastructure of the water supplies, the fact we are struggling with the energy needs of the country, that we import over 3 quarters of our food (ok this last statement is a guestimate) and then there's the housing needs.


A few things to have a go at there for you, keep your mind off having ago at other posters for daring to mention what concerns them. ;)


Just bear in mind that if you had posted something opposing the Euro five years ago exactly the same people would have accused you of being a right wing reactionary who read nonsense in the Daily Mail. And look how well that turned out...

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Guest sibon
Ok, prove or disprove some of the facts, get engaged instead of caricature assassination, lets hear some of your opinions on the subject at hand.


A good rule for entering into an argument is to do so armed with some facts and figures. Especially if you make such a confrontational post.


You have an opinion on the overstretched NHS


The NHS is clearly under strain, but that is as much to do with the ever expanding range of medical treatments as to the increase in population. Demand for medical services will always outstrip supply. I reject your assertion.


the overstretch of the infrastructure of the water supplies,


Middle of summer. Reservoir levels 98%. Hardly overstretched. I reject your assertion.



the fact we are struggling with the energy needs of the country


The entire world is struggling with this. People need energy wherever they live. There is a finite amount. I reject your assertion.



that we import over 3 quarters of our food (ok this last statement is a guestimate) and then there's the housing needs.


Nope. Sorry. We import roughly 40% of our food. You could have checked this quite easily, instead of making stuff up. Ho hum.


A few things to have a go at there for you,


Do I win a prize?

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I've started reading the Daily Mail website to enable me to plan which particular stories they come up with will be reported on the forum and which are likely to take up moderating time.


One look at the headline on this one was enough to convince me this morning that we'd be getting this thread at some point today.


I think that explains quite a lot about the alarmist clap trap that the DM call 'news'.


Population growth is a global concern. Even the UN are concerned about it:




The world population growth rate must slow down significantly to avoid reaching unsustainable levels, says a new UN report.


To have a reasonable chance of stabilising world population, fertility must drop to below "replacement level".


It must then be maintained at that level for an extended period, says the report.


This replacement level is the fertility level at which a population replaces itself from one generation to the next.


The world population is already poised to reach 7 billion later this year and this figure potentially could double to 14 billion by 2100 if action is not taken.


Much like climate change, it's no good thinking this is a problem for the rest of the world but us. How can we possibly expect the rest of the globe to control it's population growth if the developed world like us are not able to?

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Guest sibon
Population growth is a global concern. Even the UN are concerned about it:






Much like climate change, it's no good thinking this is a problem for the rest of the world but us. How can we possibly expect the rest of the globe to control it's population growth if the developed world like us are not able to?


Absolutely correct. The key thing to remember is that we need to control global population growth, rather than constantly looking inwards.

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A subject worthy of debat a not just DM alarmist clap trap.


Don't go pointing out other news outlets pick up stories about population growth, it will upset their presumption that it is only the preserve of the "alarmist" Daily Mail and their prejudice against it's readers.

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Absolutely correct. The key thing to remember is that we need to control global population growth, rather than constantly looking inwards.


So expect everybody else to curb their population growth whilst turning a blind eye to our own?

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Guest sibon
So expect everybody else to curb their population growth whilst turning a blind eye to our own?


No. I'm not sure how you managed to get that from my post.


I'll try again. The population of one small island makes little difference.


The population of the world does need to fall. That is independent of what happens here and our immigration levels are certainly irrelevant to the world population problems.

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No. I'm not sure how you managed to get that from my post.


I'll try again. The population of one small island makes little difference.


The population of the world does need to fall. That is independent of what happens here and our immigration levels are certainly irrelevant to the world population problems.


Thats rubbish.

Immigrants come here and breed like rabbits.

2 arrive and before you know it they have 4 kids.

Thats 6 we should not have on our tiny island.

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