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Britain is Full and over crowding?

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I think only about 10 or 20% of land is actually built on, but that 10/20% definitely feels overcrowded.


People need food and it takes sustainably more land to grow the food than an individual needs for a house, so it is expected than only a small percentage of the land is built on. A population is too high when the land they live on can’t provide for their needs, we are lucky in that we can afford to buy food from poorer countries for our own consumption, water is probably the biggest block to population growth.

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Is England over populated, or is it really just the South East that suffers from overpopulation?


population density england http://www.neuralmap.com/archives/population-density-england/


England 50.1 million (83.7 per cent) 130,281 383 /km²


South east england 8 million population packed into 19,096 km² or roughly 419 in people per km² (circa 2001 much higher now)


At least our kids are being told about the problem.




England's population density is more than treble the European average of 117 people per sq km.


England is also one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

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Not necessarily disputing your figures but it would be nice to see their source so they can receive some objective scrutiny.



something else for you to not necessarily dispute:D

We bring in 500,000 people per year (and the 250k that leave are not the ones with the entry level jobs) and most get jobs of some kind.




There are 4m foreign-born workers and 2.6m unemployed.


if the Middle Class Marxists and International Socialists that make up the Labour party had keep immigration down to the 50k we saw under Major, this country would have full employment.


Still, the poor of Bangladesh are just as important as the poor of Barking, so the chance of full employment gets dropped.


Whatever Milliband says, he won't mention non East European immigration and he will never aim for a limit.

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Is this a better link?






MORE than 150,000 illegal immigrants are said to be claiming benefits despite not having any rights to live in Britain, it was claimed last night.


Government ministers have found that Labour allowed tens of thousands of people to wrongly qualify for sickness benefits and maternity pay – costing the tax-payer “tens of millions of pounds”.


It is thought most of the 155,000 abusers of the system did so by outstaying their working visas or managing to find employment without having any work permit.


That article was from Feb 2011 and included this


The Government plans to crack down on the issue with the *Welfare Reform Bill, expected to be introduced into Parliament shortly, which will ensure access to any of the benefits includes an entitlement to work here.


Has that not happened now?

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Any grownup who has to ask "how does that work" twice in one day on different threads is either a thicky or uninformed, take your pick as to which one you are.


You refuse to provide evidence to support your assertion and when I ask for it you mumble something about google. Maybe it's you that's a little thick.


Other people have stepped up though and provided a few links for you.

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