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Britain is Full and over crowding?

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The point is that the aging population isn't a problem, its only becomes a problem when we expect to continue retiring at the young age of 65 and when we have millions of unemployed sucking up resources, increasing the population and increasing unemployment won't solve a problem that doesn't exist, all it will do is create a problem. People are living longer and should work longer.


Taking jobs from the young?


To be honest I don't buy that statement because you're right about us all working a lot longer; but I do not believe that that will come close to solving the problem.

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Guest sibon
If your going to pat yourself on the back then its down to you to get yourself a badge I'm afraid.


I reject your conclusion that I was asserting anything.


You were indeed asserting loads of things. You were also wrong on all counts.


Britain is not full, nor is it overcrowded. The infrastructure works well as I have shown you.


My conclusion was that you were making stuff up. Which you demonstrably were.


So, that just leaves us all to ponder the real reason behind your outburst.

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Labour threw open Britain's borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a "truly multicultural" country, a former Government adviser has revealed.


Those that you elect to serve your best interests have nothing but contempt, understandably so, for those stupid enough to vote for them.


He wrote: "Earlier drafts I saw also included a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural.



The electorate didn't ask to be swamped, those seeking office didn't declare that they were going to swamp the electorate.


The "deliberate policy", from late 2000 until "at least February last year", when the new points based system was introduced, was to open up the UK to mass migration, he said.


Labour of course are not alone The Lib Dems and the Cons are also enamoured of mass immigration.

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As a racist and or bigot how do you try to overcome the label? How do you sidestep, move the goalpost in order to remove the self inflicted phantom that lives within everything you don't, or more to the point, everything you wont understand. If it doesn't soothe your vulnerability, your phobia or caress your weakness? well, you don't overcome it, you nurture it, you build upon it, you embrace it..you attempt to intellectualise it with "Britain is Full and over crowding?" The chink is in the Armour is plain as day as it is with homophobia (i have nothing against poofs, me best mate is one:roll:) or misogynists who claim the rights of women but get twitchy when they're raped because they dressed like "slags".


I'm not starving, I never bump into anyone and nobody but me has my job and I don't share my house with 50 other families. I guess that's the same with the 50million or so other residents of the UK. (DM readers not accounted for).

We have and always will have overcrowding and slums. Some will struggle to get food, some will struggle to pay the bills. Remove immigration and you won't put a dent in it. It will of course soothe the hairy itchy palms, that is for a while until the next poor sod inadvertently raises his/her head.

"The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract."

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You were indeed asserting loads of things. You were also wrong on all counts.


Britain is not full, nor is it overcrowded. The infrastructure works well as I have shown you.


My conclusion was that you were making stuff up. Which you demonstrably were.


So, that just leaves us all to ponder the real reason behind your outburst.




I've lived in citys in australia ,NZ and canada and the first thing that hits you when you arrive back in britain is the overcrowding ,and in some areas its not full its bursting at the seams!!

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