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Britain is Full and over crowding?

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Britain is far beyond crowded. The natural population should be no more than 3 million. Now it is edging close to 100 million, regardless of what the official figures say. Supermarkets are the people that know best, and that's what their figures say.


Eh? The population of UK is around 65m

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Taking jobs from the young?


To be honest I don't buy that statement because you're right about us all working a lot longer; but I do not believe that that will come close to solving the problem.


Are you claiming that there won’t be enough young people paying into the system and caring for the elderly and at the same time claiming that if the elderly work longer they will take work from the young?


Surely if there aren’t enough young people to fill the jobs then it’s got to be better for the elderly to work longer, thereby lowering the burden you claim they will be.

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Funnily enough Ed Milliband has admitted this morning that Labour got the immigration policy wrong. Now if they're at least admitting that, there must be a problem...


'Immigration made things easier for some, but it also makes things harder for others. If you wanted a conservatory built, you were probably better off. If you were working for a company building conservatories, you probably weren't.'




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Immigration was used as an easy fix to fill vacancies which were not filled by our poorly educated and unmotivated unemployed; although it was a temporary fix for one problem it created many other problems. The answer to our problems is to educate, motivate and employ the unemployed and for us all to keep working a little longer.

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Funnily enough Ed Milliband has admitted this morning that Labour got the immigration policy wrong. Now if they're at least admitting that, there must be a problem...


'Immigration made things easier for some, but it also makes things harder for others. If you wanted a conservatory built, you were probably better off. If you were working for a company building conservatories, you probably weren't.'





Oh dear oh dear. Have you heard of the concept of public opinion? You should have because Disasterous Dave Cameron has been trying to influence public opinion for ages with all these U-Turns (backdowns) he has undertaken. The whole immigration argument is a pathetic one - They're taking all our jobs etc. How can they be taking all our jobs if they're all on benefits?

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I've lived in citys in australia ,NZ and canada and the first thing that hits you when you arrive back in britain is the overcrowding ,and in some areas its not full its bursting at the seams!!
There's no point in trying to open closed minds, mate. Waste of time, the usual suspects on here are the reason we're in the state we're in. They wilfully refuse to recognise there's a problem added to the fact that our manufacturing base which provided most of the mass employment has almost totally gone and there aren't enough jobs to go round these days.


The population needs to drop back to about 40/50 million and probably would have done, when the post war 'bulge' oldies start to die off and the lower birth rate started to take effect. The labour government started this whatever their reasons for wanting mass immigration, they'll not live to regret it, it'll be the younger generations reaping the whirlwind. Too late now, the damage is done.

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Funnily enough Ed Milliband has admitted this morning that Labour got the immigration policy wrong. Now if they're at least admitting that, there must be a problem...


'Immigration made things easier for some, but it also makes things harder for others. If you wanted a conservatory built, you were probably better off. If you were working for a company building conservatories, you probably weren't.'






Yet another Labour apology for getting it wrong. But at the time they were bullying anyone who questioned their policy. That cretin Blunkett let most of them in and sacked anyone who questioned his authority. Brown called anyone who disagreed with him on the subject a bigot. All the while the very people they relied on for votes were being overrun by immigrants. Stupidity doesn't even begin to cover it.


And who was advising Brown to call dissenters bigots? Step forward Messrs Milliband and Balls. Is there anyone in the Labour Party with a shred of decency or self respect? Milliband is a Grade A, Class 1 hypocrite, like the rest of them.


Will we now see Comrade Dore and the rest of the pea brained idiots down at Red Central row back on their commitment to City of Sanctuary? Whatever possessed them to think the people in a city with high unemployment, poor education and a chronic housing shortage would welcome mass immigration? It's sheer stupidity. In effect, Milliband is saying that it was a Labour mistake. I'm guessing Doreski won't be admitting that any time soon.

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Yet another Labour apology for getting it wrong. But at the time they were bullying anyone who questioned their policy. That cretin Blunkett let most of them in and sacked anyone who questioned his authority. Brown called anyone who disagreed with him on the subject a bigot. All the while the very people they relied on for votes were being overrun by immigrants. Stupidity doesn't even begin to cover it.


And who was advising Brown to call dissenters bigots? Step forward Messrs Milliband and Balls. Is there anyone in the Labour Party with a shred of decency or self respect? Milliband is a Grade A, Class 1 hypocrite, like the rest of them.


Will we now see Comrade Dore and the rest of the pea brained idiots down at Red Central row back on their commitment to City of Sanctuary? Whatever possessed them to think the people in a city with high unemployment, poor education and a chronic housing shortage would welcome mass immigration? It's sheer stupidity. In effect, Milliband is saying that it was a Labour mistake. I'm guessing Doreski won't be admitting that any time soon.


hahhaa We missed ya

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Less than ten per cent of this island is built on; many countries have population densities which are several times over as much as ours.


What is your definition of "full?"


The following twaddle...?


I've lived in citys in australia ,NZ and canada and the first thing that hits you when you arrive back in britain is the overcrowding ,and in some areas its not full its bursting at the seams!!
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Miliband now admits Labour got it wrong on immigration.


Tory's pledged to reduce net immigration to the tens of thousands before the election, a pledge they have so far failed to meet (in fact net immigration was still at record levels in June 2011) and is impossible to meet whilst we are in the EU.


Personally I will never forgive Labour for allowing the post 1997 uncontrolled mass immigation. LibLabCon cannot be trusted on immigration and will never get a grip on the situation, the only credible party that will do anything about it is UKIP.

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