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RBS/National Westminster Banks' technical problems- June 2012

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yeah lets blame india, rather than the management that decided to install new software and screwed it all up


Mel, I'm not blaming India. But maybe, just maybe the guys they sacked could have coped with the software update we just don't know.


I've read that these guys were extremely highly trained and sacking them could possibly prove to be one of the worst mistakes management have made.




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Had you not heard the news, the radio or received texts, emails etc all advising you to go down to your local branches (all which were remaining open longer) where you could withdraw money?


We are with Santander, we re waiting from wages from a company that bank with RBS, nothing they can do :(

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I've still not been paid, I bank with HSBC and my wages come from RBS, So I phoned HSBC this morning and asked if I could take in my pay slip as was suggested late on Friday and draw out some money.They said NO it's a load of rubbish unless you actually bank with Natwest, RBS or the other one.


Also HSBC have set up something to do with if you are charged for anything, overdraft fees and such, but you will be sent a letter and by the sounds of it you as the individual will have to try and get it back from RBS!


Just gets better and better, wish I could still get paid in cash, never mind I'll trade some of my pond fish for some baked beans and bread if anyone wants to!

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"Announcing that the bank would open 1,200 branches nationwide on Sunday morning"


They probably closed at 12 (or early afternoon) anyway




my understanding is/was that only banks which 'usually' open on a Saturday morning would be open Saturday and Sunday. The cashier I saw on Friday (when I needed to get some cash) told me this. But the impression from Natwest was that all their branches would be opening over the weekend. This was not the case!

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i wish people would stop saying nip to local branch. RBS at ecclesfield was not open at all yesterday. not at any time during the morning or afternoon. and not any branch in sheffield were answering their phones.


So what good is nipping to a branch going to do if they are not open.


or am i suppose to drive to another branch on the hope they are open and just couldnt be bothered to answer the phone?


please advise


You may have already read my other post concerning this but I bank with the HSBC and the company who I work for use RBS and my wages still haven't been paid, my boss says the money has gone from the company account but hasn't landed in mine as yet.


I was told if I take my payslip into MY branch of HSBC they will pay me some money, so I rang them this morning and they basically said not a chance, get in touch with your employer, so I phoned my employers branch of RBS and they said see my employer for now see if he can lend me the money which he has for now, but still nobody seems any wiser as to when this will all be sorted.


Oh and any charges I inccur on my account I will have to claim back from RBS!!

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We've just found out today that our wages haven't gone in (we bank with RBS) so my Hubby went to the main branch in town (which was virtually empty surprisingly enough) and they authorised £100 cash for us and assured that any direct debits/bills which are due to go out in the next few days WILL be paid (so no late payment fees from third parties). This will take us over our overdraft until our wages appear but we won't be charged.

Just need to wait for them to sort out their BACS issues now and catch up so our wages go in.


Suddenly my Grandparents keeping their cash in a biscuit tin under the bed doesn't seem so silly!! :)

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Some news coming through on what caused it:




Now lets hope that Natwest's & RBS's customers outsource their accounts to another bank in protest.


I read the link, and it's probably a bit hi-brow and techy for me. But it seems the general gist of it, is that it was an untested (or at least poorly tested) piece of batch software in an update? It seems being overseen by people in India!!!!


I wonder when it will dawn on these corporate giants that yes it's probably cheaper to outsource things like this to India, but it's frought with danger, probably not as secure as things done in the UK.


The advert they used to get someone was offering 10-11k.....that's peanuts for someone having the responsibility of a key system to the banking infrastructure.


I mean honestly, who in the UK likes Indian call centres?


Now it is going to cost RBS and Natwest a fortune just to reclaim credibility with their customers, never mind any compensation. All to save a few quid on UK based IT professionals.



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