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RBS/National Westminster Banks' technical problems- June 2012

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Its not about being peed off it was more the assumption that ditching them and going to another banking group would make a blind bit of difference.


You gave the impression that if you went to say, HSBC this would not happen.


Im trying to point out that in these circumstances you are wrong. RBS/Natwest have not caused this.

Yes they have.

It was caused by human error, a failure to have or to follow appropriate procedures when making a change to software.

And the underlying cause is that they've sacked 1800 IT staff in the UK and outsourced the work to India.

I therefore dont see why you should feel ditching them would make you feel better.

If you can change to a bank that has it's IT staff on shore then the chance of this happening are greatly reduced.

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We are with Santander, we re waiting from wages from a company that bank with RBS, nothing they can do :(


SANTANDER - Im closing my last account with Natwest shortly, it was bad enough that there old logo contains a pyramid and three of a kind, representing the All seeing eye on the dolllar bill relating to freemasonry.


Then theres the three of a kind which represents the three pillars of the Illuminati.


Now they dont care, they stick it in your face that they are freemasons/satanists by sticking SATAN inside the SANTANDER name.



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SANTANDER - Im closing my last account with Natwest shortly, it was bad enough that there old logo contains a pyramind and three of a kind, representing the All seeing eye on the dolllar bill relating to freemasonry.


Then theres the three of a kind which represents the three pillars of the Illuminati.


Now they dont care, they stick it in your face that they are freemasons/satanists by sticking SATAN inside the SANTANDER name.




Good grief, now it's a conspiracy!....Crikey, what next?


It was some software that screwed up, which wasn't tested properly before being introduced into the system!

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SANTANDER - Im closing my last account with Natwest shortly, it was bad enough that there old logo contains a pyramid and three of a kind, representing the All seeing eye on the dolllar bill relating to freemasonry.


Then theres the three of a kind which represents the three pillars of the Illuminati.


Now they dont care, they stick it in your face that they are freemasons/satanists by sticking SATAN inside the SANTANDER name.




If I'm honest I can get Santa out of Santander much more easily than Satan. You're making me want to move to a bank which has Santa in it's name. Do they give away free money?

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You may have already read my other post concerning this but I bank with the HSBC and the company who I work for use RBS and my wages still haven't been paid, my boss says the money has gone from the company account but hasn't landed in mine as yet.


I was told if I take my payslip into MY branch of HSBC they will pay me some money, so I rang them this morning and they basically said not a chance, get in touch with your employer, so I phoned my employers branch of RBS and they said see my employer for now see if he can lend me the money which he has for now, but still nobody seems any wiser as to when this will all be sorted.


Oh and any charges I inccur on my account I will have to claim back from RBS!!




Sorry to hear about this, and this is exactly why i get a bit peed off at these people who say 'get over it' blah blah blah.


Its not as simple as going into a branch and getting money for some people. It is affecting people who arent even banking with rbs and natwest.


My only concern was my rent, which my landlord has been understanding about. And thats basically the only positive im finding that people can be and are generally understanding. As you said your employer has lent you the money for now.


But it is very hard for the public to be understanding and sympathetic to the banks when they are sooo quick to charge us at any opportunity.


Also its the hassle of having to sort things like charges out. Anyway i hope they do sort out your charges for you as this is what they have promised on the news.


Good luck:thumbsup:

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If I'm honest I can get Santa out of Santander much more easily than Satan. You're making me want to move to a bank which has Santa in it's name. Do they give away free money?



You can also spell nerd using the letters in this corporate logo, very appropriate to you!



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I fear the problems in natwest and RBS may be a bit more serious than actually admitted by the banks.


I got paid last Friday, and that didn't appear in my account until sometime around mid Saturday. Went shopping over the weekend and spent 'some' money. Now this morning mysteriously by balance stands at 17p, but no transactions or charges are showing. The last transaction showing was my wages!


I get paid weekly, so it looks like I'll be in the same boat next week. I'm wondering whether to ask my employer to pay me cash this week, as I've simply lost all faith that the bank can actually handle and process my credits and debits correctly!

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Two people I work with have had their wages go in today should have been last Friday, still nothing appearded in mine, i should be ok until this Fiday, but if it still hasn't been sorted my big direct debits come out next week probably like many other peoples.


A couple of others that I work with get paid monthly and they should have been paid today but they haven't as yet.

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SANTANDER - Im closing my last account with Natwest shortly, it was bad enough that there old logo contains a pyramid and three of a kind, representing the All seeing eye on the dolllar bill relating to freemasonry.


Then theres the three of a kind which represents the three pillars of the Illuminati.


Now they dont care, they stick it in your face that they are freemasons/satanists by sticking SATAN inside the SANTANDER name.




Are you serious? If so then I'd say that you're completely off your rocker.

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