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Eating healthily but NOT LOSING WEIGHT?

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I wonder if anyone else is having the same/ a similar problem.


When I was about 12 I was one of the fattest kids in my year. Got bullied, decided to stop eating so they would leave me alone basically. Went down to under 6st at 14, then was about 7st at 16.

I was around 7st give or take a few lbs until I was 19 when I left University.


I am 5"3, I eat healthily, walk to work which takes a good 45 mins each way, and go swimming/ gym whenever i'm not too tired or busy which is probably 2-3 times a week.

The issue is, I have been nearly 9st for ages, and its all fat no muscle (i'm not exaggerating). Wearing clothes is uncomfortable as the fat rolls under my bra, when I lay on my side my boobs slant down because there is no muscle. my stomach folds over leggings and trousers. I have a thick layer of cellulite on my stomach and legs. It really is disgusting, I'm only 21 :(


I'm really fed up of looking like a big sack of spuds... help please? ha..

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9 stone is within the normal weight range for your height. If you want to lose weight maybe you should follow a calorie controlled diet or do something like weight watchers as you might be eating hidden calories if you're just eating what you think is healthy.


Incidentally if you went down to such a low weight and stopped eating do you think it is possible you might have some underlying issue with your weight and body image which is perhaps distorting the way you you are viewing what your body is like? Some of the things you say might be indicative of body dysmorphic disorder/eating disorders.

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I'm no expert on stuff like this, but 9st and 5'3" doesn't (on the face of it) appear to me, to be anything excessive?...Well certainly not gross anyway!


I think if it was me, and it did concern me. You said you go to the gym. Ask someone there for a specific regime to tone muscles rather than just doing random exercise.

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You may eat less healthy than you think or in larger quantity. Many people who diet blank out the bad food they eat and have little memory of it. Its all thanks to our pesky brains!


May I suggest you get a small A5 notebook (John Lewis do nice ones :) ) and for a week or longer if you can, write down everything you eat and drink. Then use a site like MyfitnessPal to log what you are eating to get the calories etc. This may be eye opening and you may be consuming more calories than you think.


Your next step is to boost your metabolism, there are plenty of methods and your best option is to try a few out. Do a Google search for hints and tips. There are some great Youtube videos on this subject. Do not buy any products that are supposed to do this for you, they are nothing but snake oil and you will be ripped off.


One other thing you could try is classes at your gym. Try some low impact at first and build up. Circuit training is great while spin classes can really help burn the fats.


Lastly you may want to think about when you eat too. Eating too late means your body transfers the calories to fats rather then burning it off through the day.


Like others have said, your weight is not the problem, your BMI is 22.3 and this is normal for your height. You may find that toning is what you are looking for and you may put on some weight in muscle, so be aware and don't panic if you do put on some weigh. Its how you look not how heavy you are.


Good Luck.

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Thanks everyone for the constructive responses :)

I have got an appointment with my doctor on Monday so I'll bring it up with her. Gonna get the gym rung up n all, get someone to motivate me to start being a skinny mini (a healthy one this time) if this is possible...


I haven't got owt wrong with me, I know that I look this big because a couple of my friends have said stuff, not nasty just being honest, and my boyfriend has noticed a vast change. Prefer honesty over bull but yeahh

I think when you're used to being quite slim then all of a sudden your body changes so much it confuses you and it doesn't feel right :(

Cant accept that im getting fatter though, MOTIVATION!!!!!!! come on! haha..

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I agree with everything that has been said already. I would certainly recommend some form of food/calorie count i.e. MyFitnessPal, just to see what you are consuming during any given time.


Out of interest, and don't feel you have to answer this, but can you give us an idea of what you eat (from breakfast through to evening meal)?

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A few years ago my GP told me I had high blood pressure and I needed to lose weight and take some exercise.

I told him I walked to and from work and I walked anywhere that was within a 30 minute range of starting point.


He answered you don't walk you strole. You should walk for 1 hour per day such that you work up a sweat. Lose

a 1-lb per week. Come back in 3 months.


So I stopped the take-aways, the fish and chips, and chocolate, began eating rice flakes, bran flakes,

vegatables, and chicken. I began walking around Rivelin Valley woods, the upshot of which is I lost weight.


When the weather is nice I don't mind going-out walking, but when its cold and raining, I like to stay indoors, I've

noticed my weight tends to increase in the winter months and reduce in the summer, this year has been an exception

the weather has just been terrible and the weight is just inching up a little.

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I agree with everything that has been said already. I would certainly recommend some form of food/calorie count i.e. MyFitnessPal, just to see what you are consuming during any given time.


Out of interest, and don't feel you have to answer this, but can you give us an idea of what you eat (from breakfast through to evening meal)?


yeah i definately will.


Okay, so..

Breakfast- knock off special k red berries with skimmed uht milk, or nothing

Snack- banana, maybe a packet of sweeties

lunch- a takeaway box of homemade pasta, salad or curry. or if i forget my dinner i have egg and cress sandwich or chicken and stuffing sandwich from canteen

dinner- varies but i'll admit i have a big dinner

evening snacks- oh god im a 'secret eater'.. i'll have ice cream, yoghurts, sweeties, salad with cheese, soup.. i think i convince myself that this is not a meal ha


and.. i drink a lot at the weekend. mainly gin and tonic but i'll have cider, beer and wine too. and then on a hangover i might be partial to pizza :(


I count the fat/ sat fat/ calorific content of everything i eat, the only difference is now is that i eat it

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