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Eating healthily but NOT LOSING WEIGHT?

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I cannot believe everyone is giving advice to the OP on how to lose weight, when she's already put that she was very underweight at one point in her life. Which kind of indicates an eating disorder.


You also say you're nearly 9 stone, which means you're probably 8 stone something? Which is a healthy weight, and it sounds like your body is happy at that weight.


And can I just say, every womans boobs (if they're real) move to the sides when you lay down, and all the other things you describe are so normal. I think maybe you're just seeing yourself completely different to how you actually are.


I bet your friends think you've got an amazing body, don't they?


Have you really got cellulite or do you think you're just self conscious after the bullying?


I honestly think you maybe need to teach yourself that you're healthy, and be comfortable with yourself.


You're perfect as you are.


Edit: I just read that you said your boyfriend and friends are passing comment, erm, GET RID. Nobody should talk to someone like that if you care about them.


I think you're being too nice there.

I really have got cellulite, I'm not healthy in fact i'm seriously unfit, and my friends definately don't think that. Maybe they used to think I looked alright.

I do need to accept that I'm never going to be as small as I was because a) I don't have the courage, willpower or self control I had before, and b) I now love food, thanks to my boyfriend who has a mega high metabolism haha!

I suppose I just need to find a routine and a structure, and RULES, so I can be healthy and slim and happy!

But thank you all the same :)

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I think you're being too nice there.

I really have got cellulite, I'm not healthy in fact i'm seriously unfit, and my friends definately don't think that. Maybe they used to think I looked alright.

I do need to accept that I'm never going to be as small as I was because a) I don't have the courage, willpower or self control I had before, and b) I now love food, thanks to my boyfriend who has a mega high metabolism haha!

I suppose I just need to find a routine and a structure, and RULES, so I can be healthy and slim and happy!

But thank you all the same :)


Yeah, I mean there's nothing wrong with wanting to be healthier. But you really don't need to lose weight. Your body seems happy how you are by what you've said and I think you're just causing yourself un necessary stress.


You say maybe they used to think you looked alright, have they ever said that to you? Are you sure you're not just presuming they think that?


I think anyone who doesn't love you for exactly what/who you are, isn't even worth knowing.


Maybe you just need to build your own confidence, you're honestly fine as you are otherwise I wouldn't say it.


Most women would kill to be nearly 9 stone.

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I think your body does tend to find a 'plateau' weight where it is happy. Mine fluctuates by a few pounds, but pretty much stays the same.

Its probably not a good idea to try to regiment your diet too much, especially if you have had issues with food in the past. Eating more fruit and vegetables and less processed food can only be good for you.

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I wonder if anyone else is having the same/ a similar problem.


When I was about 12 I was one of the fattest kids in my year. Got bullied, decided to stop eating so they would leave me alone basically. Went down to under 6st at 14, then was about 7st at 16.

I was around 7st give or take a few lbs until I was 19 when I left University.


I am 5"3, I eat healthily, walk to work which takes a good 45 mins each way, and go swimming/ gym whenever i'm not too tired or busy which is probably 2-3 times a week.

The issue is, I have been nearly 9st for ages, and its all fat no muscle (i'm not exaggerating). Wearing clothes is uncomfortable as the fat rolls under my bra, when I lay on my side my boobs slant down because there is no muscle. my stomach folds over leggings and trousers. I have a thick layer of cellulite on my stomach and legs. It really is disgusting, I'm only 21 :(


I'm really fed up of looking like a big sack of spuds... help please? ha..


You could join weight watchers,and they are always short of male members.

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dont believe the o.p has a eating problem at 9st she doesnt sound overweight,but if she started counting calories and looking into whats in her food and cut out the crap she may not lose weight but i bet she would feel better and have more energy for the gym .win win situation

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9st is certainly not fat! I weigh just over 9st and i'm 5ft4.


Heres a link to a very recent picture of me (if it works), do you think i'm fat?? <removed>


Is it possible that the 'fat' you see could be loose skin from your previous weight loss?

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I think you're being too nice there.

I really have got cellulite, I'm not healthy in fact i'm seriously unfit, and my friends definately don't think that. Maybe they used to think I looked alright.

I do need to accept that I'm never going to be as small as I was because a) I don't have the courage, willpower or self control I had before, and b) I now love food, thanks to my boyfriend who has a mega high metabolism haha!

I suppose I just need to find a routine and a structure, and RULES, so I can be healthy and slim and happy!

But thank you all the same :)


It would not be courageous to be 7 stone again.


Your talk of will power, structure and rules in connection with food worries me too.


Hope the doctor gives you seem sensible advice - and good luck.

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I wonder if anyone else is having the same/ a similar problem.


When I was about 12 I was one of the fattest kids in my year. Got bullied, decided to stop eating so they would leave me alone basically. Went down to under 6st at 14, then was about 7st at 16.

I was around 7st give or take a few lbs until I was 19 when I left University.


I am 5"3, I eat healthily, walk to work which takes a good 45 mins each way, and go swimming/ gym whenever i'm not too tired or busy which is probably 2-3 times a week.

The issue is, I have been nearly 9st for ages, and its all fat no muscle (i'm not exaggerating). Wearing clothes is uncomfortable as the fat rolls under my bra, when I lay on my side my boobs slant down because there is no muscle. my stomach folds over leggings and trousers. I have a thick layer of cellulite on my stomach and legs. It really is disgusting, I'm only 21 :(


I'm really fed up of looking like a big sack of spuds... help please? ha..


Hello, i would like to recommend the boxercise sessions at knox boxing, on tuesdays and thursdays, these are great cv sessions that are designed to burn those extra lbs, and they are great for fitness and stamina. Details below, feel free to contact me for more details.

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