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Wisewood primary school parents, tut tut tut!

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All the parents of Wisewood primary school(and my mother who picked my child up today) were handed a letter today by the teachers which was asking them to refrane from smoking at the gates, using inappropriate language or discussing adult issues when the children are entering or leaving the property.


It is a significant minority of the parents that are like this and even though Its nothing to do with me as I rarely do the school run, I can't help feeling bad by association.

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I would imagine this occurs at most school gates not just Wisewood, there is certainly smoking at the gates of the school my son attends and it really winds me up, however it isn't illegal so how can it be stopped. A letter is a polite way of asking not to do it but it cannot be enforced if its off school property. I wouldn't feel bad by association, I certainly wouldn't as I am not part of the group that does it.

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I would imagine this occurs at most school gates not just Wisewood, there is certainly smoking at the gates of the school my son attends and it really winds me up, however it isn't illegal so how can it be stopped. A letter is a polite way of asking not to do it but it cannot be enforced if its off school property. I wouldn't feel bad by association, I certainly wouldn't as I am not part of the group that does it.


Kids have always had a smoke near the school gates,so lets hope your son is not tempted.

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