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Three strikes and your out!!

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Or at least that's what the rules are yet for the last god knows how long now some horrible little racist has been allowed to get away with abusing several members of his class with seeming impunity.

Several reports, letters and complaints later they are still making excuses for his actions!!!

To say im fuming mad is an understatement!!!!


Pretty pointless without some reference point, Sir.

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Pretty pointless without some reference point, Sir.


Yeah i know. i was really just venting.

A bit of background to try and fill in the blanks.

Best friends daughter being racially abused at school and so is her friend.

So too are at least 5 other kids in the same year.

Friend has made 3 separate reports about 3 separate incidents and still this child is being allowed to racially abuse other children.

I hear it happened again today.

Ive told her to go to the LEA and she has but they say she needs to contact the governors which she is doing now but it all just seems unfair she has to do this as the school supposedly have a no tolerance to racial abuse policy.

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You thought that he got away with it because he was black or asian so you could go on some paranoid rant about how it would be different if he was white didn't you?


i thought it was black or asian being racist because thats normally how these "rant" threads go, specially by people that can be a bit on the right.

as we wernt really told anything in the op it couldve been

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You thought that he got away with it because he was black or asian so you could go on some paranoid rant about how it would be different if he was white didn't you?


Thats how it works in my kids school.

Biggest racist there is a 7 year old black lad. His dad is a thug who threatens anyone (including teachers) if they so much as look at his little animal sideways and my kids are moving schools as of monday next week.

Im keeping them off until then.

For their own safety as much as anything else.

When i spoke to the head he said "we have to understand this boy has a difficult life and finds it hard to integrate, we must be patient" so im not bothering to do the governors thing or the complaints thing or the LEA thing.

Im cutting and running and taking my kids with me.


Before anyone starts jumping to the defense of this thug, his dad or the school then dont. As a result of retaliating after months of abuse my lad has a mark for racist abuse on his file.

In reply to being called a white mother ****er he called him a black mother ****er.

Now, according to the school only one is racist.

Guess which.

Anyone wanting to doubt this or call me a liar (we all know who the keyboard warriors are on here) then i can sort that out dead quick.

Ill meet you, bring the kids and you can ask them yourself.


Peace out!!



Edit to the mods/admin. Sorry for the swears but i knew the filter would deal with them. Id appreciate it if whats there can be left though as i feel its relevant to the story.

If you think otherwise then fair enough.

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