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Queen to shake hands with Sinn Fein Leader.

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I believe that Ireland (the whole of it) should belong to Ireland, not parts belonging to England.


I am Irish, my husband is Irish, we have many Irish family and friends here and in Ireland. I wholeheartedly admit that of what I believe in. Ireland is NOT a part of England. Martin McGuiness should have shot the queen while he had the chance, next stop Margaret Thatcher!


and for all you offended by my post.....I dont really give a rat's ass.

Your post reveals much about you.

Like i said before,the majority of Irish in the Republic don't want Northern Ireland.

Ideally Ireland should be all one Country,and that might happen one day,but it won't be acchieved by people with your attitude.

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The Republic of Ireland can have Northern Ireland if and when the Northern Irish people want a united Ireland. Northern Ireland is not part of the Republic of Ireland because the Parliament of Northern Ireland decided it did not want to be part of a united Ireland but wanted to remain part of the United Kingdom.


NI is part of the UK because at the time of partition the British and Irish republicans did a deal that allowed 6 of the 9 counties of Ulster to stay in the UK. The republicans compromised to get a 26 county state. The border was designed to have a protestant i.e. pro-British majority. Over time the protestant majority has shrunk and at some point the majority of NI's citizens will be catholic. Whether they'll want to become part of Eire then is to be seen.

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The majority want to stay British.


It has always been a very tricky situation - can't do right for doing wrong - duty to protect those who want the monarchy and having to play peacekeeper.


Over here there are people who want a republic, but it's not worth fighting over imo - let things develop through time, peacefully



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Please read the history about Northern Ireland and you will realise the Protestant movement controlled all the this area treating catholics as we treat immegrants now. The police force was Protestant, if you was a catholic you were bottom of the pile.


No excuse for what the IRA did but this Monarchy have a lot to anwer for.


We Brits were horrible people.


Let's give Northen Ireland back to the people it belongs to.


The people of Northern Ireland already have it (they happen to be majority Unionist)

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