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The socks and sandal combo!

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He is only 47 :hihi:


His dress code today consists off..


Magnum 80's style mirrored sunglasses..


A plain faded blue T-Shirt with a picture of what looks like the Eiffel tower on it


Black shorts which are neither long nor short (ya know, the really naff length ones) with grey racing stripes down each side.


Brown Jesus sandals ....open toe version :gag:




Black socks(calf length) with red stripes on each side..


I love him dearly BUT



There is a line to be drawn somewhere :hihi:


Where does he shop?


*reaches for wallet...*

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I can agree with OP on this.


Sandals were invented to keep the foot cool and free of sweat, so coupling them with a socks is completely illogical.


Unless, perhaps, it's on a day where it's just a tad too cold for sandels alone, yet adding a pair of socks makes it perfect.


Or, if it's just the kind of person who's a little self conscious of showing their toes in public, but likes to wear sandals.




It's just that, if you wear socks with sandals, you must be stupid, I can see no other explanation.


Sandals were 'invented' cos they're easy to make out of animal hide with minimal tools. It's not like the neanderthal in question had the choice between inventing a sandal vs inventing the trainer, is it? :)




...... I can see no other explanation.

There's 2 above.

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I will try to keep this light hearted but underneath it all it really gets my goat!


What is it with men and the socks and sandal combo?


Is it just my owld man who thinks he looks cool when wearing such a combination?


He thinks he looks like a movie star in em and i really have not got the heart to tell him he just looks a (removed).


Does anyone else wear the socks and sandals combo in this day and age or is he just going through some trauma in his life?


Is there anything i can do to rid him of his demons or do i just burn the offending garments..


Any help would be much appreciated :)


Cheer up. It could be worse. He could also be wearing those suspender jobbies guys wore way back to keep their socks from wrinkling :hihi:

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I never worry about fashion and with keeping big dogs i am usually in jeans anyway..


It would not be so bad if the socks were the sports type and the sandals a little more hardwearing but the socks are calf length and the sandals are of the Jesus variety..


I guess you have a point about the warmth though BUT... why not just wear jeans?



Too long :D


I'm not sure how wearing jeans is at all related to socks and/or sandals. You can wear all 3 you know.

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I can agree with OP on this.


Sandals were invented to keep the foot cool and free of sweat, so coupling them with a socks is completely illogical.


It's just that, if you wear socks with sandals, you must be stupid, I can see no other explanation.


As I said in post 2, sandals are easy to slip off, far more convenient than trainers or shoes.

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