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Wierd conversation at the petrol station

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The word **** is used as a racist slur and saying you would kill yourself if you were one is highly offensive.

If I were to say that i would kill myself if I ever turned gay would you not find that offensive and homophobic?


No. Id find it perfectly ok.

What you do with your life is your business.

What others do with theirs is theirs.

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You're right, it is racist. He clearly displayed a hatred for another race in my opinion. He should have reported it to the police if he was offended.


Oh my. Many Pakistanis are not offended by this word. As long as it doesn't follow a derogatory adjective.

You think people should report things like this to the police? :loopy:

Aren't there enough serious crimes happening that they should be spending time on in stead?

"999, I'd like to report an offence. Someone called me a bad word"


2012. Why are people so weak?

Sticks and stones, mate. Sticks and stones. If someone says something you don't like, challenge it or ignore it but for christ's sake don't waste the police's time with such trivial patheticness. They're over stretched and useless enough as it is.

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Oh my. Many Pakistanis are not offended by this word. As long as it doesn't follow a derogatory adjective.

You think people should report things like this to the police? :loopy:

Aren't there enough serious crimes happening that they should be spending time on in stead?

"999, I'd like to report an offence. Someone called me a bad word"


2012. Why are people so weak?

Sticks and stones, mate. Sticks and stones. If someone says something you don't like, challenge it or ignore it but for christ's sake don't waste the police's time with such trivial patheticness. They're over stretched and useless enough as it is.



Fab post!!

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I couldnt sleep well last night so thought id take doggie for a walk to the petrol station and get a paper. At the window there was a young lad being served and he was having a conversation with the assistant when he (the customer) said "no WAY, id ****ing kill myself if i were. Im an Arab, Not a pakkie"

He then went on to say "there is a difference you know" then walked off in a huff to his car.

When it was my turn to be served the assistant looked at me and simply said with a glum look on his face.

"I thought he was Pakistani"

Im not sure exactly what was said between the two before me but i didnt half feel sorry for the lad behind the counter. His English was shocking and i think he just wanted to make a new friend.

Poor bloke but what a funny exchange. I was giggling to myself most of the way home.


The last time I was in the petrol station I was mistaken for Pump 3 by a myopic pensioner :cry:

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