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The censure of threads

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Why do threads that explore negative aspects of Islam and Muslim socielty get closed down on this forum just as you get to the heart of the matter. For example Muslim gangs grooming young girls and the import and distribution of hard drugs.

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Break forum rules? The uncomfortable truth? The rest of society is allways drawn over the coals often for things that happened many generation ago, yet critical debate still exsists. So why does debate on negative aspects of Muslim society end up with the race card being played istead of issues being examined.

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Haha, you can never second guess the moderators =P


I do kind of agree with you though, whenever a thread regarding a Christian priest touching kids is made, it stays up, if it's about an Islamic cleric, it gets taken down.


Obviously they wont offer an explanation, I guess we just have to live with it, it's their website after all.


If the Sheffield Forum staff discriminate based on religion, it's sad, but it's not something we can change.

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Break forum rules? The uncomfortable truth? The rest of society is allways drawn over the coals often for things that happened many generation ago, yet critical debate still exsists. So why does debate on negative aspects of Muslim society end up with the race card being played istead of issues being examined.


They are not closed because of critical debate, they are closed because of personal abuse, pettiness etc. Mods constantly warn posters to curb insults or else. Just so you don't think I'm being bias..the abuse of the rules comes from all quarters.

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No offence Riche but you don't exactly make a persuasive reasoned argument do you? You're a bit reactionary really aren't you?


If you can start a thread that is on something which is relevant and backed up by facts it might stand a chance of staying but when you start something which is just an excuse for rants like 'would you let your daughter go out with a muslim' it is going to disappear.

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Guest sibon

The major problem is that these sort of threads frequently spiral out of control, often driven by a few single issue posters (and their aliases). Don't forget that you only see the posts that are not deleted, some threads have many many posts deleted for all sorts of reasons.


There isn't a policy of removing any particular type of thread, but we do respond when threads begin to breach our rules, or the law of the land, or sometimes just because we've had quite a few threads on the same topic in a short space of time.


This forum wouldn't exist, or be as popular as it is if it didn't contain topics that people want to debate. The mod and admin team try our best to make sure that is the case.

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No offence Riche but you don't exactly make a persuasive reasoned argument do you? You're a bit reactionary really aren't you?


If you can start a thread that is on something which is relevant and backed up by facts it might stand a chance of staying but when you start something which is just an excuse for rants like 'would you let your daughter go out with a muslim' it is going to disappear.


You have to ask yourself whether a thread entitled, "Would you let your daughter go out with a Christian" would stay up.


My guess is that it would.


I mean it doesn't bother me an awful lot as I'm not religious, and I don't discriminate against anybody no matter their religious background.


But Sheffield Forum staff are really in the dark ages when it comes to liberalism, they really need to treat everybody with equal respect and not discriminate against people based on cultural reasons.


As I say, it's sad that in this day and age people are discriminated against based on their religion, hopefully the owner of Sheffield Forum can identify the mods who do this and strip them of their privileges.

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but when you start something which is just an excuse for rants like 'would you let your daughter go out with a muslim' it is going to disappear.


Your comment above is somethng I have never started or would start so congrats for the mud sliging at such an early junture.

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