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McDonalds Dilemma

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Still got a dilemma? Have a good read at this site:




From the front page:


The McLibel Trial is the infamous British court case between McDonald's and a postman & a gardener from London (Helen Steel and Dave Morris). It ran for two and a half years and became the longest ever English trial. The Judge delivered his verdict in June 1997.


The verdict was devastating for McDonald's. The judge ruled that they 'exploit children' with their advertising, produce 'misleading' advertising, are 'culpably responsible' for cruelty to animals, are 'antipathetic' to unionisation and pay their workers low wages.





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I would eat the food then ring and complain that the guy is incompetent- but doing that compromises the possibility of you getting more food again


But if I didn’t like the type of burger he gave me I would have taken it back and said, "you have given me the wrong type of burger (pretending It was the one I paid for)"



It is their fault if they give you more than you deserve. The same question of morals was on another thread before about if a cash machine gave you £20 more than you asked for and it didn’t charge you what would you do??


It all depends on whether it works out good or bad for each individual person

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Depends did they give you any "chicken" stuff ? If they did get rid of it ASAP…...not sure what that stuff is but its not poultry!!!!


There was a big chap who worked at the archer road mc D only saw him once maybe they harvested him for "chicken" ????



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