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What does being British mean?

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How many threads are there on this subject?

thousands as some people seem to think we are amazing and immigrants are destroying our culture, whereas in the real world were built on immigration and invasion

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But it must be remembered that no Englishman....calls himself a Briton without a sneaking sense of the ludicrous, or hears himself referred to as a Britisher without squirming.

How should an Englishman utter the words Great Britain with the glow of emotion that goes for him with England?

His sovereign may be Her Britanic Majesty to outsiders, but to him is the Queen of England: he talks the English language;he has been taught English history as one continuous tale from Alfred to his own day; he has heard of the word of an Englishman and aspires to be an English gentleman; and he knows that England expects everyman to do his duty...In the word England, not in Britain all these things are implicit.

It is unreasonable to ask forty millions of people to refrain from the use of the only names that are in tune with patriotic emotion, or to make them stop and think whether they mean their country in a narrower or wider sense each time they name it.

Fowler 1983


This thread is only worth contributing to whilst you're participating in it retep...most nationalists don't even know the bleedin difference between being English or British, present company excluded of course ;)

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This thread is only worth contributing to whilst you're participating in it retep...most nationalists don't even know the bleedin difference between being English or British, present company excluded of course ;)


the great british people http://youtu.be/PL1jDcAHkc8 lets celebrate the wit and achievements and intelligence


and denounce the muslamic ray guns that are trying to take over our green and pleasant land

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i cant stop watching it, it warms the cockles of my heart knowing theres british men around like him to save us from the muslim infidels


They're called cannon fodder, people just like him fought and died in wars so that you could take the mickey.

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Well said that man :thumbsup:


:hihi: yes because comparing xenophobic morons with conscripts and volunteers who were actually in mortal danger fighting for the existence of their country is worthwhile.


Gurkhas and Indians and Africans (including muslims) fought and died for Britain, I wonder how these fascist numpties feel about sharing Britain with them.

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:hihi:yes because comparing xenophobic morons with conscripts and volunteers who were actually in mortal danger fighting for the existence of their country is worthwhile.


Gurkhas and Indians and Africans (including muslims) fought and died for Britain, I wonder how these fascist numpties feel about sharing Britain with them.


We'll have to wait and see on that one, not too far into the future methinks.

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