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Conservatives discuss whether to remove housing benefit from under 25s

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And by then, they'll all be so excited about the money they've saved, they won't bother reversing any of the Tory acts. Instead, they'll pump tons of money into nothingness again and the cycle will start over.

We don't need new labour back. We need a credible alternative to all three major parties and proportional representation.


People with any memory of this shower will reject PR, as that will give more power to the Tory lapdogs Lib Dems that faked a social conscience to obtain votes.

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There's a surprise, the Usual confused Suspects up in arms about a distant threat to their Something For Nothing way of life. I await their coherent argument on why people with no job can be given free housing paid for by people with a job who can't get social housing or afford one of their own. This should be good.

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There's a surprise, the Usual confused Suspects up in arms about a distant threat to their Something For Nothing way of life. I await their coherent argument on why people with no job can be given free housing paid for by people with a job who can't get social housing or afford one of their own. This should be good.


Doesn't social housing allow people to work at Tesco for £6 per hour rather than £30 per hour or whatever?

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As a youngster, many,many years ago I started out on low paid jobs but guess what? I lived with mum and dad and paid board and lodgings while I gained experience and moved on to bigger and better things til buying my own house.


Why should we pay for youngsters to have their so called freedom, when in reality the ones I see live like pigs?


Perhaps this may be a good thing, families not being able to get rid of their offspring so easily, bringing about family cohesion. Maybe learning to share and think of others.

And can I ask? What is classed as overcrowding these days?

As a young un I lived on the Manor and shared my bedroom with a brother and younger sister (a set of bunk beds and a single).


And I turned out ok, I think!

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Cameron and his toff mates are just using those unemployed who claim housing benefit as a smokescreen to attack low paid workers.


Just one in eight of housing benefit claimants is out of work. The majority of those who claim housing benefit do so because of low wages and high rents.


Cameron knows that his new policy will hit those in poorly paid work just as hard as those who are unemployed. But as both these groups are poor, what does it matter to him?

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Our society needs to reinstate morallity as its core.


We fund fecklessness and so we now have a society that rewards people with low morals, the hard working productive people cannot afford a home and this is wrong.


More hard working productive people claim housing benefit than those who are unemployed.


This new policy is going to hurt these people just as much as those without a job.

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Doesn't social housing allow people to work at Tesco for £6 per hour rather than £30 per hour or whatever?


Doesn't social housing allow people who have never worked but can breed to lead a life they could not possibly afford by working?

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