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Conservatives discuss whether to remove housing benefit from under 25s

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Power in too few hands has been the teaching of many history lessons yet we keep making the same mistakes.


Insurrection is the future unless wealth is distributed to more socially responsible people. The laughing banks, Britain's cancer should never have been propped up but left to rot.


Spot on.........In the UK we just suck our thumbs, tug our forelocks and 'put up with it'. And Cameron and his super rich buddies laugh all the way to their offshore banks........

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Its caring for our disadvantaged that separates humans from the animals......or it used to be. I'd love to see Messrs Cameron and Clegg survive on benefits.


That's very forgiving of you. I'd love to see them dipped in chocolate and fed to ants.

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But they dont get thrown out onto the streets do they!! Those who are genuinely homeless get sorted out. We have organisations, laws, rules and regulations in this country which would put those in need in hostel, B&B and/or interim accommodation.


However, if it does become apparent that someone is living on housing benefits when they COULD be accommodated and supported by their parents/guardian/relatives but CHOOSES not to - why should the taxpayer have to fork out for accommodation if they cannot afford it themselves.


I never ever understand why those who are fit and healthy for work should be owed accommodation by the state.


Interim benefits are just that - allocated for an interim period. Nothing else.


Nobody fit and able to work should be living on state funds be it benefits and/or a roof over their heads.


And if there are no jobs to be had ??? Or the few jobs are so badly paid, i.e. minimum rate or part time ??? Then what ???

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Tories never win elections, just sometimes labour loses one.


Thats a fact Teddybare. Blair was a Tory in disguise, Labour voters became dissolusioned, stayed at home on election day and the present shower made the most of it. Cameron dosent expect to be re-elected, so he's just handing over billions to his rich friends and will then vanish along with Clegg,his bitch. The sad part is that Cleggy is so thick he isn't in on the scam, dosent quite grasp it and will be heartbroken when the electorate boots him out.

Come next election day Labour voters will get off their arses and vote, Cameron has seen to that.

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Thats a fact Teddybare. Blair was a Tory in disguise, Labour voters became dissolusioned, stayed at home on election day and the present shower made the most of it. Cameron dosent expect to be re-elected, so he's just handing over billions to his rich friends and will then vanish along with Clegg,his bitch. The sad part is that Cleggy is so thick he isn't in on the scam, dosent quite grasp it and will be heartbroken when the electorate boots him out.

Come next election day Labour voters will get off their arses and vote, Cameron has seen to that.


And by then, they'll all be so excited about the money they've saved, they won't bother reversing any of the Tory acts. Instead, they'll pump tons of money into nothingness again and the cycle will start over.

We don't need new labour back. We need a credible alternative to all three major parties and proportional representation.

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