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Who frequents the Paris Fish Bar?


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I think the neon lights are there to help prevent the intraveinous ingestion of the Paris Fish Bar's delights. Everyone's had a 'weak' moment when the thought of stuffing a chip butty into your vein has been too much to take.


Thank the lord for these Parisian's who've taken this extra safety precaution in an attempt to control the rising number of sharrow residents addicted to injecting fish cakes.


Props to Elif too. They've created a kebab that even my ma doesn't turn her nose up at (and she's very fussy when it comes to notions of meat).


Bad as crisps.

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Originally posted by magic_rat

def stef you have unveiled your lack of kebab knowledge to the world, for it is not the meat which makes it a kebab it is the fact it is cooked on a skewer, chicken kebabs are far more tastier too....


I concede to your *proper* definition (although the Oxford dictionary definition also allows for meat cooked on a spit as well as a skewer, as in the vertical case of a rotating donner trunk). I just think that 'kebab' should by default refer to a donner, for reasons I can't quite explain. Fish kebabs, too, are lovely.


Incidentally, Jannath off West Street do what they term a "mix kebab". Their wares differ from those offered by Elif (Turkish in orgin) or other kebab houses (which might be Greek or otherwise balkan) in that they originate from Northern India and Pakistan. The "mix kebab" dish consists of a highly spicy sheekh kebab (a spicy sausage made of lamb), a shami kebab (a burger-like patty, which doesn't look like it has ever been on a skewer or spit) and an onion bhaji.


While I totally agree with magic_rat, does anoyone know why these "kebabs" (especially the shami) are rightfully kebabs?

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Anyone want to go to Elif and have a kebab this Saturday (7th) at 7pm? Jim, get tha mam down (my mum loves their babs too). Then we can all go the lezzie & get smashed...


(edit) wasn't sure if it's Cragg's mam who's partial to the kebabs or Jims. Either way, s'all goood...


bad as garlic & chilli :thumbsup:

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May I suggest this film to you Def Stef? Seems to me to be right up your kebab shop lined street......


TERRORISM AND THE KEBAB is a farce denouncing the absurdity of bureaucracy in modern Egypt. Adel Imam, Egypt's leading comic actor, is a father who wants to move his son to a school closer to home. He goes to El-Mugamaa, the center of Cairo's monolithic bureaucracy, to pick up the required documents. Frustrated by the lack of response, he ends up attacking a fundamentalist official and, when armed police respond to the situation, a machine gun accidentally finds its way into Imam's hands.


As a terrorist, his demands to the Minister of Internal Affairs are simple: Shish Kebab made of high-class lamb. After having a hearty meal with his hostages, however, his demands become more political.


Please note this is not in anyway an inticement of terrorism

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  • 4 months later...

I went there once. It's absolute ****e. The Chicken kebab meat even tasted undercooked.

Elifs does the best Kebabs and Two Steps does better fish and chips.

Hence I can't see PFB lasting very long at all.

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does anyone on here know what the blue light in the window is for?

is it supposed to entice you in? to me it looks like someone's filming an

episode of 'silent witness' in there and amanda burton is busy dissecting a

dead hunk of animal flesh to find out how it was murdered.....was it the crazed kebab killer of hunters bar....the place doesnt make me wanna eat anything i gotta be honest

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