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Taliban soldier allowed to stay

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It said he killed people and there is no indication they were British.The Tories run the UK at present.

Thats ok then sorry is he allowed to kill other nationality's who happen to be our allies,it didnt say they were not British either,I would imagine he would keep that information close to his chest seeing as he's been allowed to stay here.

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rather than focus on the soldiers i meant is it better to have one more foe to fight or one less?

i know which id rather have

Yep may as well bring them over here to spread their bile, nice one Mel whats up cant you get out of that hole you are digging deeper.This man is an enemy of Britain and should never have been allowed to enter this country ,god knows what border patrol was doing,mind you considering the number of illegals in here no change there then,I wonder how many more Taliban murders are illegally ,or come to that legally settled here,I think the term is we get well and truly shafted and people like you accept it,you would have been a hoot in WW2 I bet you would have had Hitler and his gang round for tea

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Yep may as well bring them over here to spread their bile, nice one Mel whats up cant you get out of that hole you are digging deeper.This man is an enemy of Britain and should never have been allowed to enter this country ,god knows what border patrol was doing,mind you considering the number of illegals in here no change there then,I wonder how many more Taliban murders are illegally ,or come to that legally settled here,I think the term is we get well and truly shafted and people like you accept it,you would have been a hoot in WW2 I bet you would have had Hitler and his gang round for tea

you still cant think further than your nose can you? even after having it spelt out


taliban fighter = enemy of britain DOESNT always mean the same thing, it depends on cicumstances, context and the person involved

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you still cant think further than your nose can you? even after having it spelt out


taliban fighter = enemy of britain DOESNT always mean the same thing, it depends on cicumstances, context and the person involved


Taliban Soldier does mean Enemy of Britain though Mel.

They are our sworn enemies and are committed to die at our guns

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I agree, and disagree.

This man is fighting for a cause.

He is fighting for his religion, who are we to say he not a soldier?

I respect these men, they are standing up for their beliefs.


Do you still respect them when they are blowing up schools, or poisoning school girls, for their beliefs?

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He is not fighting for religion, he is fighting for his political views.




The court ruling said: ‘He believed that he was advancing the cause of Islam


Unless he is also an apostate of Islam, I would assume having joined the Taliban in the first place to "advance the cause of Islam", he will still be as active in trying to advance the cause of Islam even in this country. He could be a danger to the UK.

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like i said earlier, least its one less killing and maiming our troops, thats got to be a good thing


On the downside, it's one less for our troops to put a bullet through, not to mention the potential threat to UK citizens now.

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Do you still respect them when they are blowing up schools, or poisoning school girls, for their beliefs?


No, of course I dont.

That is why I believe the swine should be reduced to glass.

But they are still soldiers non the less.

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