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Archbishop of Canterbury pours scorn on ConDems 'big society'.

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I think you have a rather rose tinted view of the world, friends will not put people up indefintely, particularly when if the same age they will often live with their parents or in shared houses anyway so won't be able to.


Charities and the church probably couldn't cope with the influx of people needing help. There are no jobs now. I left home at 16 and did not have the option of returning to my parents at all. I worked and supported myself but if the situation was as it is these days with no jobs I would have been on the street. It's a really stupid idea.


No just a realistic view that workers can't be expected to pay for non worker indefinitely, which has been the case for too long, its time the unemployed took some responsibility for their own lives. It will give them the motivation to find a job.


And as I said in my early post if you have worked and contributed you should continue getting HB for six months before you are expected to find alternative accommodation.

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