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Remains of a building at Lydgate Lane playground?

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We sometimes call up to the playground at the top of Lydgate Lane by Crookes/Crosspool.


I always look at what seems to be the remains of an old building by the side of the slide - pictured below:






What did it used to be? (if anything) - it looks halfway between the remains of a building and 'creative' landscaping!


I'm intrigued....

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There were air raid shelters in grassy land below the infants school playground but thats not in the place shown on the photos - I dont think.

Edited by mikeG
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Apparently there was some kind of stone making query there at one time there was a story about a football field there with a steep drop and a guy jumped over the wall chasing the football and fell to his death on the stones there late 1890s time cant remember were I read about it though.

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I used to play in the park in the late 60s’ and walk through the park to and from King Edward’s Vll lower building 1971 to 1972. I have no recollection of the stones being there then. I remember swings, a roundabout, a slide, a rocking horse and a large grassed area where we played football. They must have been put there after then.


I wonder if anyone on the Sheffield History site can throw some light on this?

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  • 6 months later...

Hi sorry but I had to have a bit of a giggle at the posts thinking the stones were some ancient ruins, I remember distinctly the 'children's play fort' being built in the mid 70's. it was part of a new facelift to the park. They dug out the hillside behind the back of the swings put in the slide and the steps to the side of it and also the play fort and various stepping/balancing stones. The park was up side down for quite a while and my friends and I couldn't wait till it was finished so we could go and play in it. We had hours of fun in the fort. I remember the smell of the brand new cement and sandstone. Mystery solved!

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Hi sorry but I had to have a bit of a giggle at the posts thinking the stones were some ancient ruins, I remember distinctly the 'children's play fort' being built in the mid 70's. it was part of a new facelift to the park. They dug out the hillside behind the back of the swings put in the slide and the steps to the side of it and also the play fort and various stepping/balancing stones. The park was up side down for quite a while and my friends and I couldn't wait till it was finished so we could go and play in it. We had hours of fun in the fort. I remember the smell of the brand new cement and sandstone. Mystery solved!

It's taken a whole six months to solve the mystery of the stones which is an unusually long time for Sheffield Forum!


Thanks for putting me out of my misery - I'll be re examining the stones next time we visit and I'm sure my boys will soon make a fort out of them :thumbsup:

Edited by Draggletail
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  • 1 year later...

The stones definitely look to have been taken from an old building. There's even a rounded stone which looks to be a top stone to a door. I believe that they recently got rid of a wall which formed part of the little enclosed castle. A good idea as i'm sure it would have been a good spot for an emergency wee on one's way home - or other activities.


Anyone got any pics from days of old?

Also where did the stone come from? I wonder if it was from the old Mount Zion (Wesley Tower) building that was demolished perhaps after the war?



The old "Wesley Tower" stone did make its way into the wall by the old Police Station (still there)....

Edited by Oingo
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