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Are you prepared for an "emergency"?

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Yes to all of the questions except powdered milk :gag:(i don't drink fresh milk or tit juice as its fondly known of in our house and why anyone would want to drink something designed for feeding baby cows is beyond me :hihi:)



I also cannot tell ya how fumingly mad i am at Natwest today :rant:

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Do you have a working torch and know where it is? Several, including 2 in the car and one hanging on the hook by the front door.


Do you know where your fusebox / stopcock is? Yes to both


Do you have an emergency supply of cash (even just £20) in the house? Yup, and if that ran out there's always the 'times of plenty' jar which contains pound coins.


Is all your money tied up in one bank? What money would that be then? What little we have is split between 4 banks.


Do you have a spare house and car key? Yes


And more importantly is it with someone you can trust and has the means to bring it to you? Several neighbours have keys and in the event that I needed the spare car key bringing to me I'm sure that I could talk them through getting into the house and getting the car key out of the fire safe.


When did you last back up your important files and photos? Is it off-site? I don't really have much that is important stored on a computer, but I do have an external hard drive which is stored in the fire safe and Dropbox.


There's an inch of snow on the ground. Sheffield panics and buys all the bread and milk in the district. Do you have some powdered milk and a loaf mix in the cupboard? I drink my tea black and we can live on pasta until the shops have more stock :)

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nope no credit card i spend what i have and no more

That's a good (but rare) approach to money-management. Still, I'd suggest having one credit card as a spare resource. It need not cost you anything, you can pay-off each month in full (so no interest), and you'd also have a degree of extra insurance free.

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That's a good (but rare) approach to money-management. Still, I'd suggest having one credit card as a spare resource. It need not cost you anything, you can pay-off each month in full (so no interest), and you'd also have a degree of extra insurance free.

tbh i dont think i can get one, not having debt i dont seem to be able to get credit if i wanted it :huh:

i tried to get £500 credit to buy this computer from argos but couldnt cos apparently i had no credit rating

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Seeing the number of people caught out in the RBS / Natwest issue, and the countless threads in the Tech section when people have a laptop die or stolen and don't have a backup, its led me to wonder if we are becoming a nation of helpless individuals who run around like headless chickens when a minor emergency hits us.


With this in mind, I've pulled a few common questions or scenarios that everyone should be prepared for:


Do you have a working torch and know where it is?


Do you know where your fusebox / stopcock is?


Do you have an emergency supply of cash (even just £20) in the house?


Is all your money tied up in one bank?


Do you have a spare house and car key?


And more importantly is it with someone you can trust and has the means to bring it to you?


When did you last back up your important files and photos? Is it off-site?


There's an inch of snow on the ground. Sheffield panics and buys all the bread and milk in the district. Do you have some powdered milk and a loaf mix in the cupboard?


Prepared for most things, I reckon. It would take more than snow fall to stop this house functioning. Got spare food, water, long life milk and part baked bread. Got all my extreme camping equipment, including stove, lighting etc.


To answer your questions, yes to all except the inability to back up my files on a regular basis.

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