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Cannabis coffee shops will reduce drinking by 25%

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The red light district as is now started life out as entertainment for locals only. The intention was not develop a tourist industry from it.

Who had these "intentions"?

Where have you got this information from?


Secondly, what's it got to do with cannabis coffee shops? You've not proven any connection yet.


The fact that it did was an ok thing I suppose in the early days

The early days? Can we have some years here please?


but as time went on and its popularity grew to the proportions that exist currently

Prostitutes are more popular now than they were in the past?


What am I reading here? It's gibberish. You're making vague abstract points about something being "okay in the olden days, but is a problem now" without any timing or reasoning behind it.


The seedy side of Amsterdam has become a problem

I've no doubt that is true. These things do bring problems. Making drugs and prostitution illegal also brings equally large problems. There are brothels in Sheffield, open for people to go in. Trafficing is a problem in Sheffield because it isn't done in shop windows on West Street. It is because it is hidden away that women can be forced into it.

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Who had these "intentions"?

Where have you got this information from?


Secondly, what's it got to do with cannabis coffee shops? You've not proven any connection yet.



The early days? Can we have some years here please?



Prostitutes are more popular now than they were in the past?


What am I reading here? It's gibberish. You're making vague abstract points about something being "okay in the olden days, but is a problem now" without any timing or reasoning behind it.



I've no doubt that is true. These things do bring problems. Making drugs and prostitution illegal also brings equally large problems. There are brothels in Sheffield, open for people to go in. Trafficing is a problem in Sheffield because it isn't done in shop windows on West Street. It is because it is hidden away that women can be forced into it.


You're very tiresome and not disimilar to another forrumer with your slow dissection of every little detail. I'm loathed to find any links as its likely in view of other threads that this will only succeed in more of the same but i'll soldier on as debates cannot exist on here without them.

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What a load of rubbish.


Do you disagree that "politics rather than science has dominated drug policy in Britain over the 40 years since the Misuse of Drugs Act was passed in 1971"?


Indeed, why do politicians consistently ignore scientists, and economists for that matter?

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I'm not asking for "every little detail". You're not giving any detail - that's your major flaw.


No i’m relaying (albeit from memory) what I’ve read and that’s all I have at present but don’t worry, I’ll find some factual links for you to play with.

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There you go lots of information here to read and digest, there's a few bits in favour of proposals to legalise cannabis as well because i'm a nice guy and I can appreciate both sides of a debate. Admittedly the best I can find is an implied link between drugs and prostitution and inevitably human trafficking but they are kind of synonymous so it's not an unreasonable assumption.










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I can't quite click on websites called 'Red Light District' while I'm at work. I'll try later.


Which of these statements do you now support?


the connection between coffee shops, prostitution and people trafficking has been made


the best I can find is an implied link between drugs and prostitution and inevitably human trafficking but they are kind of synonymous so it's not an unreasonable assumption.

Secondly, explain it to me then.

What have cannabis cafes got to do with trafficing women into Amsterdam?

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I can't quite click on websites called 'Red Light District' while I'm at work. I'll try later.


Which of these statements do you now support?





Secondly, explain it to me then.

What have cannabis cafes got to do with trafficing women into Amsterdam?




Drugs, prostitution and human trafficking are by and large interlinked and as The Netherlands is a prime destination for trafficked women from Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia coupled with the fact that coffeeshops began selling selling both hard and soft drugs where one time they did not and the relationship is easy to arrive at.

Here's another link which if you find the time offers some more info that supports my gibberish.



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