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Cannabis coffee shops will reduce drinking by 25%

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Legalizing cannabis is a bad thing, by Legalizing cannabis it forces dealers and producers to move on the harder drugs.


You're talking about two totally different markets.


Anyway, if all drugs were drcriminalised, that problem would be solved too.

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I look forward to reading that. It'd be highly uncommon to have an open red-light district like Amsterdam's, with international tourists walking through every day, just for the sheer spectacle; to have a set of prostitutes that has been staffed by women who have been kidnapped and forced into the work.


Yet ... I may be proven wrong.

Upon reading, I shall acknowledge that I was extremely wrong. I presumed that it would be easy for women to escape a life of captivity when they see policemen walking pass their window every day. I have learnt a little today, and I shall humble myself. T'was my error.

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We now have the devil in our city centres, corrupting young minds and plying drink down there necks.

Oh really? DO you have any evidence of this? CCTV of a horned, red-caped, trident weilding, dark lord maybe?

God is all seeing and will punish the wrong doers when the time of reckoning comes
Which wrong doers, and what have they done wrong? How will he punish them?
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Upon reading, I shall acknowledge that I was extremely wrong. I presumed that it would be easy for women to escape a life of captivity when they see policemen walking pass their window every day. I have learnt a little today, and I shall humble myself. T'was my error.


There was a documentary on the BBC a few years ago called Stag Weekends: The Dirty Secrets about people trafficked for sex work in popular stag locations including Amsterdam, which was quite revealing. There are interviews with trafficked women and the traffickers themselves. There's an article here about the programme.


If you can find it online it's worth watching.

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Legalizing cannabis is a bad thing, by Legalizing cannabis it forces dealers and producers to move on the harder drugs.


Do you understand the concept of "lesser of two evils"? Legalisation does not mean all drug related problems will vanish.


What it means is drugs cartels would be no longer protected from market forces, undercut and therefore disempowered from their monopolisation of the drugs market by the lowering of the cost of handling drugs, introducing regulated competition to the drugs market. Do not underestimate the positive knock on effect of this. The market can solve a lot of our problems - and that's coming from a "lefty".


It means we would save far more tax pennies by treating drugs as a health problem rather than a criminal problem. How pathetically naive to believe you can stop people taking drugs by making them illegal. The drugs barons are laughing at you all the way to the bank, and rightly so.


It means regulation and strict drug purity. Again, do not underestimate the knock on effect of this on the health of users and therefore our health service.


It means taxation which will at least offset the cost of any program we choose to administer in an effort to curb the negative effects of drug use.


It means casual, responsible users won't be unnecessarily criminalised and have their lives ruined by something that otherwise harmed nobody.


It means dodgy dealers will be forced into direct competition with licenced traders. Of course some people would stick with their dealers, but that's not the point - even if only 1 in 10 users choose a licenced dealer over their street dealer, a very conservative estimate, it will still be a better situation than now, where consumers have no choice but to buy from and inadvertently support unregulated and often criminal (outside drug dealing) dealers.


It means we will have finally learned the lesson that prohibition causes more problems than it aims to solve.

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