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Make the rich pay. They caused it!

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The current financial situation was undoubtedly caused by the rich. It is ALL their fault. So what do the ConDems in their infinite wisdom do?

They dream up scheme after scheme after scheme to batter the poor to pay for the greedy wrongdoings of Camerons bedfellow bankers! It makes me sick!



Make the rich pay! Confiscate their money!

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Revolt if it bothers you so much.

Dont sit here bitching like a women about it. Get out on the streets, cause some fuss and make yourslef heard.


What, like Occupy? They're a dirty word on here.


One of the problems is that the people who are suffering most yet did least to cause this situation are impotent to do anything about it. It seems they are just here as a cash cow for the government, so it can shovel their money into the banks and EU.


The EU is no longer working but continues to provide a gravy train for the inept and corrupt to ride on. Capitalism is not working when it shovels money into the pockets of the already rich while the poor starve. Democracy is no longer working when it makes no difference who you vote for.


It's not working, yet the government don't seem to realise they are sitting on top of a powder keg. I for one, don't want to see it blow, but I really can't see anything to stop it.

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What, like Occupy? They're a dirty word on here.


One of the problems is that the people who are suffering most yet did least to cause this situation are impotent to do anything about it. It seems they are just here as a cash cow for the government, so it can shovel their money into the banks and EU.


The EU is no longer working but continues to provide a gravy train for the inept and corrupt to ride on. Capitalism is not working when it shovels money into the pockets of the already rich while the poor starve. Democracy is no longer working when it makes no difference who you vote for.


It's not working, yet the government don't seem to realise they are sitting on top of a powder keg. I for one, don't want to see it blow, but I really can't see anything to stop it.



You are a realist and have true insight.

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So you didn't borrow one penny you shouldn't have? Or was your irresponsible borrowing (keeping up with the Joneses, perhaps) the banks' fault entirely?


Further, what is 'poor' in this day and age?

Only one iPad in a family of seven? One 50 inch flat-screen? Only two holidays abroad a year?


Go on: blame the 'rich'; it detracts from the real party deserving of blame: you.

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What, like Occupy? They're a dirty word on here.



So is immigrant, benefits and a whole host of others.

If people are so upset, they must do something about it.

Personally im about fed of of the way things are going myself.

It wont take much to get people in the streets protesting.

And we all know what happened last time there was mass protests dont we.

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So you didn't borrow one penny you shouldn't have? Or was your irresponsible borrowing (keeping up with the Joneses, perhaps) the banks' fault entirely?


I am financially secure thanks.

Wreckless lending has never been the fault of the borrower. The bankers should have been more discerning on who they lent money to. If a bank was to advertise freely available money to borrowers tomorrow, it would soon be swamped with applicants. Bankers are supposed to be professionals whereas Tom , Dick and Harry are not.:rant:

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You are a realist and have true insight.


I second that. Both of you are very perceptive.


I can't help but strongly think that '12 is going to be '81 revisited. We have a jerk of a PM, pursuing policies which are very anti the already agitated poorer and less fortunate people in society.

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So you didn't borrow one penny you shouldn't have? Or was your irresponsible borrowing (keeping up with the Joneses, perhaps) the banks' fault entirely?


Further, what is 'poor' in this day and age?

Only one iPad in a family of seven? One 50 inch flat-screen? Only two holidays abroad a year?


Go on: blame the 'rich'; it detracts from the real party deserving of blame: you.


Well said!


I phones, cars, sky, holidays in the med. never had so good.



I earn less than the so called average wage and the majority of my customers earn a lot more than me. So let's not forget without the rich a lot of us would be without a job. The rich also spends their riches which keep the economy going. We need more intelligent, enterprising people to create jobs and in return lets reward them for the risks they take and the time spent in education for giving people employment.

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The current financial situation was undoubtedly caused by the rich. It is ALL their fault. So what do the ConDems in their infinite wisdom do?

They dream up scheme after scheme after scheme to batter the poor to pay for the greedy wrongdoings of Camerons bedfellow bankers! It makes me sick!



Make the rich pay! Confiscate their money!


And there was me thinking the blame lies firmly with the people that borrowed the money they couldn’t pay back and the people that encouraged them to borrow it. Then there’s the government that actively encouraged and manipulated a property bubble of monumental proportions to create the illusion of wealth.

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