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Make the rich pay. They caused it!

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I'm not accepting defeat, just pointing out that the repercussions of what's going on will reverberate for years and affect everybody eventually. Now is the time to try and stop it, not when it's too late.


Also I am in no way blaming people for not understanding, that's my point.

I believe the powers that be are actively working to make sure people do not understand. That, and boring them to death.


As for ab6262's comments, can I just say, I disagree with nearly every point.

1) You can legislate the poor out of the effects of poverty. The NHS for instance, has seen to it that everyone gets medical treatment regardless of wealth. We have a free education system etc. (until University level, which now deters some children from poorer backgrounds. Legislation in this case reducing oportunities to improve.)

2) A very good example of how the super rich operate. They are sucking up wealth, depriving the poor of enough to live on.

3) The government have done nothing if not give tax breaks and concessions to the wealthy, paid for by taking services from the poor.

4) An interesting soundbite with no substance.

5) The poor are desperate for jobs. The rich are reducing jobs so that they can maximise profits for themselves. The poor are working longer and harder for less rewards, often just to keep a job.


And despite that 250000 immigrants arrive here each year to do the work the unemployed apparently won't do.

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I was married with 3 kids and a mortgage, when I did my degree, the first in my family to do so.


That was hard enough. If I'd been putting the family in hock to the tune of £36,000 (4 year course) plus interest, with no guarentee of a job, then I wouldn't have gone.


£36,000 is an enormous debt just the same as any other. Whose to say that some future government won't change the rules again, and insist the debt is repaid when you're earning £15,000, or £10,000 or..... see my point?


The debt may never need paying back, if you can't get a job and spend your life on benefits after passing your degree, the debt is written off unfortunately. Only the very brightest should go to university because degree are unnecessary for many of the available jobs.

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The current financial situation was undoubtedly caused by the rich. It is ALL their fault. So what do the ConDems in their infinite wisdom do?

They dream up scheme after scheme after scheme to batter the poor to pay for the greedy wrongdoings of Camerons bedfellow bankers! It makes me sick!



Make the rich pay! Confiscate their money!


I am financially secure thanks.

Wreckless lending has never been the fault of the borrower. The bankers should have been more discerning on who they lent money to. If a bank was to advertise freely available money to borrowers tomorrow, it would soon be swamped with applicants. Bankers are supposed to be professionals whereas Tom , Dick and Harry are not.:rant:


my bold


i agree ,lets start by making you pay !!!!


youve said its all the rich's fault, and youve admitted your financially secure, to me that means rich.


how do you want to pay ? cash or jail time ????

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The debt may never need paying back, if you can't get a job and spend your life on benefits after passing your degree, the debt is written off unfortunately. Only the very brightest should go to university because degree are unnecessary for many of the available jobs.


Everyone should go to Uni. It should be mandatory and free for all. Just the subjects should be relevant to jobs.

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A very eronious comment,


Education is the most reliable way for working class people to move up socio-economic groups. They will also pay more tax as a result, to fund the education of others.


A well educated population also serves society in all sorts of ways. Teachers, doctors, nurses, engineers, the list is endless. Also it is a civilising inflence which all society benefits from. Educate the mother, you will also educate the children.


The problem is affording to educate everyone up to degree standard, years ago we only had to fund a few, as the number of students increased it became unaffordable. Personally I think we should fund the education of teachers, doctors, engineers but not the other 90%of useless degrees.

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Everyone should go to Uni. It should be mandatory and free for all. Just the subjects should be relevant to jobs.


But there are jobs that require a university educated workforce and there are jobs that don't. Some people can cope with O levels, A levels and completing a degree course, others can't. Some people enjoy education and strive for knowledge, others do not.

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