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Make the rich pay. They caused it!

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Its only an us and them if you decide that you want to spend your life feeling envious that someone as more than you, I'm not bother that lots of people have more than me, money isn't the most important thing in life and there is nothing stopping any of us coming up with an idea that could make us rich.


It's not envy, just an unwillingness to be screwed over by them so they can get even richer at my expense.

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It's not envy, just an unwillingness to be screwed over by them so they can get even richer at my expense.


They are not screwing you over, unless you pay a fortune in tax you get much more than you pay for.


Who's getting rich at your expence?

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The rich DO pay. They pay 40% tax for a start. Why should people who have strived to achieve all their life, have worked long hours for many days, and who already cough up half of their salary already, be made to pay even more. Not all rich people have inherited their money. Most would be happy for it to continue should it go to deserving people. It's the people who don't deserve it, they resent, the one's who couldn't be bothered to try, or get anywhere in life. Yet, THEY seem to be the one's saying 'make the rich pay'. THEY want to share everything of everybody else's, and nothing of their own.


PS. I am not rich.

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"The Rich" come in many varities - for example, those who have inherited wealth, those who became entrepreneurs and built successful businesses, and then there are the speculators i.e. those who gamble, often with other people's money, on the short term movement of share prices.


We tax inheritance

We tax personal income

We tax corporations


How about a financial transaction tax on the speculators who undermine the real economy? Nope, we're not going to get that ... David Cameron promises to fight financial transactions tax 'all the way' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/9286541/David-Cameron-promises-to-fight-financial-transactions-tax-all-the-way.html


We should stop having different names for income and tax it all at the same rate.


You made money from an investment? That's an income and you should pay income tax.


Individuals should not be allowed to abuse the tax system. Stars such as Jimmy Carr, Gary Lineker and Olly Murs have created subsidiary companies (of themselves!!!), and receive income as dividends to avoid income tax. (Because of these loopholes we have almost the highest number of accountants per capita in the world and more than the rest of the European Union put together. How does this help the real economy?)


Make the rich pay? Yes, but not to be punitive, but to be fair. Make everyone pay income tax.

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The rich DO pay. They pay 40% tax for a start. Why should people who have strived to achieve all their life, have worked long hours for many days, and who already cough up half of their salary already, be made to pay even more. Not all rich people have inherited their money. Most would be happy for it to continue should it go to deserving people. It's the people who don't deserve it, they resent, the one's who couldn't be bothered to try, or get anywhere in life. Yet, THEY seem to be the one's saying 'make the rich pay'. THEY want to share everything of everybody else's, and nothing of their own.


PS. I am not rich.


I wonder if you read my post number 118.


These are the people I mean, the 1%


These people do not pay tax, they certainly don't pay it at 40%. They have it in offshore accounts, dodgy scemes, and tax havens. They (and I quote) 'pay less than their cleaner.'


I have no argument with the relatively rich people who do work hard and pay their 40%. The sort of people you quote. They've done well and I salute them. In fact if all rich people paid all their tax, I wouldn't object to them paying 30%, same as us - as long as they did actually pay it. But they are still one of us, the 99%


Have you any idea how much revenue is lost by tax avoidance?


(And I'm aware that this can be anything from saving / investing money in an ISA, to downright fiddles barely this side of legal, much discussed in the Jimmy Carr thread.)


Enough to cover the entire budget deficit in one year.

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How rich is rich ? Millionaires ? Less ? More ?


How about those who are rich enough to be able to afford an accountant (who will make you better off by avoiding the tax everybody else has to pay).


Those people.


"Tax officials have hinted they could close the six-year-old loophole which may have allowed wealthy people to reduce their tax rate to just 2 per cent by borrowing money from companies of which they were directors."


How about some action on this?



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How about those who are rich enough to be able to afford an accountant (who will make you better off by avoiding the tax everybody else has to pay).


Those people.


"Tax officials have hinted they could close the six-year-old loophole which may have allowed wealthy people to reduce their tax rate to just 2 per cent by borrowing money from companies of which they were directors."


How about some action on this?




You want to hammer every self employed person and small business ? They have accountants and try not pay as much tax.

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You want to hammer every self employed person and small business ? They have accountants and try not pay as much tax.


But they don't pay their accountants to administer aggressive tax avoidance schemes, most peoples' accountants just make sure the books are balanced and what taxes are due are paid over promptly.


They don't indulge in expensive and blatant avoidance scams.

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You want to hammer every self employed person and small business ? They have accountants and try not pay as much tax.


Hammer them? Hell no! I have every sympathy for the self employed, I used to be self employed. However, once you start to define income as something else and tax it at a different rate you create complexities which lead to loopholes which lead to abuse which leads to the very wealthy paying only 2% tax.


However you make money that's an income isn't it?


... and if you make a loss, then carry that loss over to the next year until such time as you're actually making money and actually have an income to tax.

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