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Make the rich pay. They caused it!

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How much bigger can it get than what's going on now? Yet total apathy reigns.


How can you build passionate support when no one really understands what's going on (we're not meant to for that very reason) We are ripe for any propaganda they care to throw at us, such as 'we've all borrowed too much, so it's your fault we're in this state...'


People should be so angry they're tearing down the gates, but you can see just from this forum, how people have swallowed that message hook line and sinker.


I've started another thread, to see if anyone can explain it in terms ordinary people understand, but I'm not hopeful...


And there lies the problem; you don't believe the truth because the truth is too painful for you to bear.

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How much bigger can it get than what's going on now? Yet total apathy reigns.


How can you build passionate support when no one really understands what's going on (we're not meant to for that very reason) We are ripe for any propaganda they care to throw at us, such as 'we've all borrowed too much, so it's your fault we're in this state...'


People should be so angry they're tearing down the gates, but you can see just from this forum, how people have swallowed that message hook line and sinker.


I've started another thread, to see if anyone can explain it in terms ordinary people understand, but I'm not hopeful...




If apathy reigns, then it's not very big is it? You need to have a clear cause & build support for it.

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If apathy reigns, then it's not very big is it? You need to have a clear cause & build support for it.


Come on... Whole countries are toppling. People in Greece are starving. We're arguably turning into a third world country. How much bigger can it get?


It's a cause, but one that people can't understand, (see my other thread,) and won't get angry until it affects them directly. For instance, when they retire they will have no pension, no matter how much they try and save. There's a good chance they won't get the treatment they need when they go to hospital, (if the hospital still exists that is...) There'll be no public services, no jobs, food and housing will be unaffordable.... I could go on...


We're being squeezed out of existance.

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Come on... Whole countries are toppling. People in Greece are starving. We're arguably turning into a third world country. How much bigger can it get?


It's a cause, but one that people can't understand, (see my other thread,) and won't get angry until it affects them directly. For instance, when they retire they will have no pension, no matter how much they try and save. There's a good chance they won't get the treatment they need when they go to hospital, (if the hospital still exists that is...) There'll be no public services, no jobs, food and housing will be unaffordable.... I could go on...


We're being squeezed out of existance.


What's your cause exactly? What do you plan to do if you succeed?


You're starting off by accepting defeat, rather than trying to put your message across. Blaming other people for not understanding, without explaining what you want. Blaming everybody else for being ignorant isn't the best way to win friends & influence people.

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i am not rich by any measure but the following seem to make sense.

1.You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.


2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.


3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.


4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!


5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

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i am not rich by any measure but the following seem to make sense.

1.You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.


2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.


3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.


4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!


5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.


That's a good why of putting it, well said.:thumbsup:

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i am not rich by any measure but the following seem to make sense.

1.You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.


2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.


3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.


4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!


5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.



Which is exactly why we should confiscate all the wealth and property from the idle rich and throw them in jail to rot. They do nothing for society yet take massive amounts out of society. I could gladly line them up and...well, you know.

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What's your cause exactly? What do you plan to do if you succeed?


You're starting off by accepting defeat, rather than trying to put your message across. Blaming other people for not understanding, without explaining what you want. Blaming everybody else for being ignorant isn't the best way to win friends & influence people.


I'm not accepting defeat, just pointing out that the repercussions of what's going on will reverberate for years and affect everybody eventually. Now is the time to try and stop it, not when it's too late.


Also I am in no way blaming people for not understanding, that's my point.

I believe the powers that be are actively working to make sure people do not understand. That, and boring them to death.


As for ab6262's comments, can I just say, I disagree with nearly every point.

1) You can legislate the poor out of the effects of poverty. The NHS for instance, has seen to it that everyone gets medical treatment regardless of wealth. We have a free education system etc. (until University level, which now deters some children from poorer backgrounds. Legislation in this case reducing oportunities to improve.)

2) A very good example of how the super rich operate. They are sucking up wealth, depriving the poor of enough to live on.

3) The government have done nothing if not give tax breaks and concessions to the wealthy, paid for by taking services from the poor.

4) An interesting soundbite with no substance.

5) The poor are desperate for jobs. The rich are reducing jobs so that they can maximise profits for themselves. The poor are working longer and harder for less rewards, often just to keep a job.

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As for ab6262's comments, can I just say, I disagree with nearly every point.

1) (until University level, which now deters some children from poorer backgrounds. Legislation in this case reducing oportunities to improve.)



This is the bit that puzzles me...why should some kids from poorer homes be deterred? They don't have to pay anything back until they start earning around £20k now..do you think they don't want to invest in their own future?

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I'm not accepting defeat, just pointing out that the repercussions of what's going on will reverberate for years and affect everybody eventually. Now is the time to try and stop it, not when it's too late.


Also I am in no way blaming people for not understanding, that's my point.

I believe the powers that be are actively working to make sure people do not understand. That, and boring them to death.


As for ab6262's comments, can I just say, I disagree with nearly every point.

1) You can legislate the poor out of the effects of poverty. The NHS for instance, has seen to it that everyone gets medical treatment regardless of wealth. We have a free education system etc. (until University level, which now deters some children from poorer backgrounds. Legislation in this case reducing oportunities to improve.)

2) A very good example of how the super rich operate. They are sucking up wealth, depriving the poor of enough to live on.

3) The government have done nothing if not give tax breaks and concessions to the wealthy, paid for by taking services from the poor.

4) An interesting soundbite with no substance.

5) The poor are desperate for jobs. The rich are reducing jobs so that they can maximise profits for themselves. The poor are working longer and harder for less rewards, often just to keep a job.



This is just how the tory boys have always operated. One must remember that they are evil , uncaring , bigoted, idle and unfeeling scum. They always have been. Do not expect fairness from them. They are the same tory boys who got millions of working class people killed unneccessarily in WW1. The idiot generals were all tory boys. They got millions killed for a few yards of dirt.

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