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Global El(ites) thrown out of Iceland

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Iceland shows how to get rid of corrupt masonic bankers!


America is also on the verge of revolution as well.


Drake: 2h:47m on the latest regarding the overthrow of Obama and his fascist friends.


You wont see any of this on the BBC(British Brainwashing Corporation) channels.


Pity England, the mind control capital of the world, fast asleep with all its distractions will have to wait abit later until its people are free from corrupt politicians, bankers, the Legal system and Media outlets.


I sit here and meditate and wait for the sunshine to return to these shores.



Peace x



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Iceland shows how to get rid of corrupt masonic bankers!


America is also on the verge of revolution as well.


Drake: 2h:47m on the latest regarding the overthrow of Obama and his fascist friends.


You wont see any of this on the BBC(British Brainwashing Corporation) channels.


Pity England, the mind control capital of the world, fast asleep with all its distractions will have to wait abit later until its people are free from corrupt politicians, bankers, the Legal system and Media outlets.


I sit here and meditate and wait for the sunshine to return to these shores.



Peace x




If you ever want be taken seriously or earn yourself any credibility, here's a tip:

Don't make stuff up.


You often bleat that people shouldn't believe the lies and propaganda of mainstream media, but that's what you're doing, posting lies and propaganda, ie trying to link Freemasons to the article which you linked. Why do it?

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Peace x




What do the Pointer Sisters have to do with overthrowing the corrupt, masonic banking cartels? I mean, it's a great record if you are really drunk and feel like dancing but you would just want to do a line of coke afterwards and suddenly become obsessed with a tiny scuff mark on the heel of your silver platform boots.

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