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Tories Are The Nasty Party - Fact!

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is it time for a change though in politics in general? all we do is go round and round in a long merry go round. tories get in, spend yrs forcing through their long held aims, we all suffer. tories get unpopular again, labout get back in, spend all their time and our money going back on what the tories took years to achieve, while adding in their own brand of sillyness. then we pay for that. tories get back in, repeat ad infinitum.


this time round the lib dems have pretended to add their 2p worth, having been given a slight share of the power, nothing they have done has worked or changed anything and now everyone hates them even more for going back on all their promises.


we all suffer from this system, billions are wasted changing decisions made by the previous incumbents, the NHS goes though cycles, the councils go through cycles, police, armed forces etc, it all costs money to keep messing about with it all.


i dont pretend to know what the answer is, but its getting depressing watching it all happening again, maggie being the last big peak for the tories prior to cameron, we'll be back with labour soon enough and have to suffer their own "vision".


what to do, what to do....

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i think most people are losing the will to live, never mind having the fight for a revolution!

there must be some system somewhere thats viable, works, and doesnt just assist people who wish to feather their own nest while pretending to be working for the betterment of us all.

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i think most people are losing the will to live, never mind having the fight for a revolution!

there must be some system somewhere thats viable, works, and doesnt just assist people who wish to feather their own nest while pretending to be working for the betterment of us all.


Bang on! The tories have the 'new face lift' and more rotten than before.

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Perhaps we could let the Tories try to run a decent economy for once - such as we'd established by 1997 - or let Labour dig their way out of a disastrous one, such as we had in 1979 or two years ago. That would make a change; for better or worse, we do not know.

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