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Tories Are The Nasty Party - Fact!

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Some of Call me dave's proposals are far worse than even Thatcher considered,you have all be warned now,make sure you get out and vote at the next general election and do your bit to say enough is enough.


That’s very good advice any suggestions on whom to vote for.:)

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Sign of the times. HMG are pretty light on policy too, mostly because anything interesting causes an argument between Nick and Dave.


I'd like a Government that rules for the majority. Not one that gives huge amounts of tax back to the most well off, nor one that panders to the feckless. Surely that isn't too much to ask... or is it?


Unfortunately that is probably impossible.

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I'd like a Government that rules for the majority. Not one that gives huge amounts of tax back to the most well off, nor one that panders to the feckless. Surely that isn't too much to ask... or is it?


It would be nice to have a government that serves the common good, but politicians are more interested in favours for wealthy donors and screwing over the most vulnerable.


And I'm not convinced that Labour would be all that different either!

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Guest sibon
And I'm not convinced that Labour would be all that different either!


All the evidence from the Blair/Brown administrations suggests that you are correct.

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How about starving the NHS of cash and staff so they can try and justify selling it off? The first of many I suspect.




Hasn't the health trust in the link had problems for a while? I quote:

In recent years, the deficit has got worse - it reached 2012 with £69m of debt on a turnover of just over £424m.


Lets not kid ourselves that the NHS was nurtured under the last government. I'd like to see a clear breakdown of how money has been spent across the NHS. I wonder what proportion goes to non-clinical senior management, and how that compares to 20 years ago. I'd also like to see when much of the essential work, such as cleaning, was privatised, driving wages and standards down.

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All politicians are in the same boat, The HMS Greed.. Long gone are the days of real politicians that fought for the good of the people and not their own bank balances.

Clegg is a prime example, what he was 'going' to do and what he 'has' done are poles apart...


Sod em all and put up with whatever happens because there is NOTHING that you or I can possibly do about it.

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All politicians are in the same boat, The HMS Greed.. Long gone are the days of real politicians that fought for the good of the people and not their own bank balances.

Clegg is a prime example, what he was 'going' to do and what he 'has' done are poles apart...


Sod em all and put up with whatever happens because there is NOTHING that you or I can possibly do about it.


You can't lessen the argument that the tories are having a bad time by saying they're all the same.


The tories are sticking to the vast majority of people but come 2015 they'll be asking for votes from the very people they have been alienating. That means only one thing, "Bribes."

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You can't lessen the argument that the tories are having a bad time by saying they're all the same.


The tories are sticking to the vast majority of people but come 2015 they'll be asking for votes from the very people they have been alienating. That means only one thing, "Bribes."


Is that not the ethos of modern day politics though ? Are all elections now, not carrot dangling exercises ?

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Is that not the ethos of modern day politics though ? Are all elections now, not carrot dangling exercises ?


Dangling carrots before the electorate, is only a good strategy if the electorate is greedy enough to place its own, direct, personal benefit above what they think is good for the country as a whole.



Draw what conclusions you will, from that. As for the politicians, no matter how noble and pure their intentions are they can't act on their intentions unless they persuade people to vote them into government.

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Is that not the ethos of modern day politics though ? Are all elections now, not carrot dangling exercises ?


Fear-mongering has more to do with modern electioneering then offering the electorate anything positive.


I'm kinda expecting the next election to be a litany of negativity, with political parties quick to blame each other for anything bad but remarkably quiet about what they would do if elected.

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