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Depression, anyone else dealing with it?

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Drink at least 8 pints of water a day to help clear out the toxins, stop eating fast food, eat plenty of fruit, nuts fresh food etc.

Find something you enjoy doing, ie an activity that fires your interests something that gets your heart beating faster. I would recommend something that you have to interact with other people. Sports if you are that way inclined, or get yourself on a few education courses in something you have always wanted to try but didn't do because of one excuse or another.


Bold bit..:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I find the meds work wonders.


However if you are absolutely determined not to try meds your doctor would probably suggest this:




It is an online cognitive behavioural therapy course which has been shown to be very effective in reducing depression by training you to change the way you think. The course is administrated by a university in Ausralia, it is totally free and very good.


Alternatively if you go see your doc they can refer you for face to face CBT locally if you request it.

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Food Does matter





There are also other aspects to how your feeling, these factors include past experiences in your life.


But you got to remember this, the past dosn't exist.


Only the now exists.


The past is but a memory and the future is just a fantasy, so be in the moment and enjoy every moment.


Because the moment is the only thing that is real.

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Drinking very large volumes of water CAN KILL.


Do not drink more than around 1 pint per hour. If you drink water faster than your kidneys can process it you MAY DIE.




A bit dramatic. There are 24 hours in a day so 8 pints is reasonable. Many people don't drink enough water and wind up over eating because they are mistaking thirst for hunger. 8 pints a day is is the minimum you should drink per day to stay healthy.

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A bit dramatic. There are 24 hours in a day so 8 pints is reasonable. Many people don't drink enough water and wind up over eating because they are mistaking thirst for hunger. 8 pints a day is is the minimum you should drink per day to stay healthy.


It's 8 glasses at half a pint each, not 8 pints. And that is a myth anyway, it's now thought that will flush out vitamins and minerals your body needs and it is simply best to drink to your thirst and eat plenty of fruit and veg.

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Eat heathily, Fruit and nuts, fresh fruit juice (not from concentrate) and go for a walk away from electromagnetic polution and city noise.


I ride my bike to the peak district and find a quite spot.


The exercise creates good endorphines in the brain which make you happy.


Turn the TV off, Its mind pollution, to much sex, violence and promotion of a materialistic lifestyle will pull you down.


Buy a book or pick up an old childhood hobby like painting or playing guitar or poetry and create your own headspace.


Dont let anyone else invade it.


Meditation and yoga work wonders also.

How so? Surely it's dependent on what you watch? There are some good shows out there definitely worth watching. I'm not the biggest tv viewer, I prefer to listen to music, but it's not all ''pollution''

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