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Debussy150 23 Oct


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19:30, Firth Hall (Firth Court)


Tickets: £8.50, £6 (concessions-over 60s), £3 (under 26s, students, unwaged)


Duration: 90 minutes + 20 minute interval


Primavera Ensemble


William Alwyn - French Suite (1729)

Saints-Saëns - Fantaisie for violin and harp, Op 124

Debussy - Syrinx, for flute solo

Ravel - Sonatine en trio

Roussel - Sérénade for flute, harp and string trio, Op 30

Debussy - Sonata for flute, viola and harp

Françaix - Quintet No 1 for flute, harp and string trio


This year we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of composer Claude

Debussy. Debussy was among the most influential composers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He produced a remarkable body of work in almost every genres adapting his distinctive compositional language to the demands of each often straying from conventional norms in form, harmony and colouring.


As one of Britain’s finest ensembles, the flexible mixed ensemble Primavera has created an enviable reputation with an accolade of reviews at international festivals across Britain and Europe, alongside many appearances on London's South Bank and at Wigmore Hall. Aside from its concert and recording work, education and community work has become an important focus of Primavera’s commitment to tomorrow’s audiences. With groundbreaking projects in prisons and special needs schools, linking the power of emotions within music to emotional intelligence Primavera has commissioned new work from composers as diverse as Gavin Bryars,

Phillip Glass, Malcolm Lipkin and Paul Patterson. Recent tours abroad have include concerts at the Almera Festival in the Netherlands, Vasto, Parma, Emilia Romagna and Sadurano Festivals in Italy.

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