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A question about claiming E.S.A.

Guest Wyrd

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I know someone who was made redundant 6 weeks ago. She claimed for contributions based JSA on the first day, but has only received one payment of just over £50.

People who work in job centres are coached not to prompt or be helpful to new claimants. They also use a premium rate number in the hope that they can put people off claiming. They get a bonus for that. She has made over a dozen phone calls so far to no avail.:(






Also incorrect

and again, incorrect


That's 3 out of 3


I can confirm that the DWP/Job centres do use premium rate numbers. Any number that is charged at a premium rate to a standard geographical number (01 etc) is indeed a premium rate number with a connection charge also.0845 is a prime example The use is most unfair, especially on those less likely to be able to pay more for phone calls.

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