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Eurocrats unveil vision of the future

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European authorities have unveiled their vision for the future, which gives them much greater powers.


It includes the creation of a European treasury, which would have powers over national budgets.


European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said it was "a defining moment for European integration".


Proposals in the report included:


  • Limits on the amount of debt individual countries can take on
  • Annual national budgets can be vetoed if they are likely to mean a country exceeding its debt limits
  • The eurozone borrowing money collectively "could be explored"
  • A European treasury office to be set up to control a central budget and keep an eye on national ones
  • A single European banking regulator and a common scheme guaranteeing bank deposits
  • Common policies on employment regulations and levels of taxation
  • Joint decision-making with national parliaments to give it "democratic legitimacy"


As if to underscore how fundamentally undemocratic and aggressively power hungry the EU are, they now want to control the taxation and budgets of Eurozone countries. Thank goodness we never joined the Euro, as Eurozone countries are now finding that their once upon a time democratic rights are supplanted by faceless unelected dictators. The soonr we are out of this EU the better.

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