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What if Cannabis Cured Cancer ?

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Watched a YouTube video recently about this , thanks to a Forum link . I'm not a user myself , always been put off by the illegality aspect , but this video opened my eyes somewhat !

Cannabis , in some form or another , used to be widely used for self medication and was a staple part of the doctor's bag of medicines .


It was used for labour pains , asthma , rheumatism , and was also given to "cranky babies". Apparently Queen Victoria used it for period pains .....


Having watched most of this video , have become concerned about the use of the law to make this herb very illegal .


In 1937 , a US Federal Law was passed making cannabinoids illegal , but THIS WAS OPPOSED BY THE US MEDICAL ASSOCIATION of the day .....


This was around the same time that the new , profit-driven , assembly-line "Big Pharma" companies were getting started .... Hmmmmm


Doctors in 2012 still don't have a "golden bullet" to relieve pain , Sativex is a cannabinoid released onto the market around 2005 - it seems to me that the powers that be want to stop people growing their own on a tiny scale but are happy for "big Pharma" to start selling it !!!

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The the argument is really about medication, it's about getting stoned. Cannabis can be taken in medical form without the high, but cannabis users don't want that; I wonder why?
Lots of your posts are certainly stoned Mecky!
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Watched a YouTube video recently about this , thanks to a Forum link . I'm not a user myself , always been put off by the illegality aspect , but this video opened my eyes somewhat !

Cannabis , in some form or another , used to be widely used for self medication and was a staple part of the doctor's bag of medicines .


It was used for labour pains , asthma , rheumatism , and was also given to "cranky babies". Apparently Queen Victoria used it for period pains .....


Having watched most of this video , have become concerned about the use of the law to make this herb very illegal .


In 1937 , a US Federal Law was passed making cannabinoids illegal , but THIS WAS OPPOSED BY THE US MEDICAL ASSOCIATION of the day .....


This was around the same time that the new , profit-driven , assembly-line "Big Pharma" companies were getting started .... Hmmmmm


Doctors in 2012 still don't have a "golden bullet" to relieve pain , Sativex is a cannabinoid released onto the market around 2005 - it seems to me that the powers that be want to stop people growing their own on a tiny scale but are happy for "big Pharma" to start selling it !!!


The brain naturally makes cannabinoids, cannabis mimics this process.

If cannabinoids are illegal shouldn't we all be locked up for producing it?

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This was around the same time that the new , profit-driven , assembly-line "Big Pharma" companies were getting started .... Hmmmmm


It was a dual threat - to big pharma and to those who had capital tied up in synthetic fibre and timber production that hemp would have seriously undercut. These were wealthy men, so they certainly had some lobbying clout. It would make sense for them to support prohibition.

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Watched a YouTube video recently about this , thanks to a Forum link . I'm not a user myself , always been put off by the illegality aspect , but this video opened my eyes somewhat !

Cannabis , in some form or another , used to be widely used for self medication and was a staple part of the doctor's bag of medicines .


It was used for labour pains , asthma , rheumatism , and was also given to "cranky babies". Apparently Queen Victoria used it for period pains .....


Having watched most of this video , have become concerned about the use of the law to make this herb very illegal .


In 1937 , a US Federal Law was passed making cannabinoids illegal , but THIS WAS OPPOSED BY THE US MEDICAL ASSOCIATION of the day .....


This was around the same time that the new , profit-driven , assembly-line "Big Pharma" companies were getting started .... Hmmmmm


Doctors in 2012 still don't have a "golden bullet" to relieve pain , Sativex is a cannabinoid released onto the market around 2005 - it seems to me that the powers that be want to stop people growing their own on a tiny scale but are happy for "big Pharma" to start selling it !!!


It is an excellent film, I've posted the link on here myself recently.


Another similar one you might like-


Run from the cure.

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The the argument is really about medication, it's about getting stoned. Cannabis can be taken in medical form without the high, but cannabis users don't want that; I wonder why?


you can get "medicinal" cannabis but cos cannabis has that illegal / prohibited aspect to it, most people that want it for medical resons end up going to a normal dealer and so get the normal variant

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If it can make me FEEL the pain, but it not be crippling, the. I'm all for it. I doubt anything can completely rid yourself of pain. Despite taking the meds I do, it is still there, like nagging toothache ..

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