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What if Cannabis Cured Cancer ?

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just posted this on the other cancer thread thought it was very apt for this thread also ....


A relative of mine was diagnosed with liver cancer in December last year with only months rather than years and basically said chemo wouldn't make any difference to life expectancy.

Obviously he was devastated as we all were.

After searching for anything that might help he was put on to someone who came up with a glimmer of hope for him.

To cut a long story short cannabis oil 'cured' him.

He went back to weston park in March had a scan and was given the shock news THE CANCER WAS GONE.....even the consultant said she hadn't been able to give anyone that news before, I think they were as shocked as he was.


So yes I definitely think there is a cure for some cancers I am not saying one cure kills all cancers but when you think of all the money involved in cancer research charities and the fact that people would be living longer. It makes you wonder what is really going on

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Good for your relative.


That will have been published as a case report, do you have a link to the publication??


I imagine there may be a lot of parties that would seek to play down the effectiveness of such treatment...

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I imagine there may be a lot of parties that would seek to play down the effectiveness of such treatment...



Surprisingly not in fact. Canna-research is increasing in volume and depth all the time, especially in the US where several states have legalised.


What will happen now is that the analytic lenses and engines of thousands of ambitious grad students will be turned onto a plant that was last seriously looked at 50 years ago. There is an explosion in knowledge already, and it's been going on for about 10 years.


The information is out there, it's a plant people can grow easily, and self-medication is unlikely to do any significant harm, and probably a considerable amount of good.


If I was a cancer patient with a life-threatening tumour, I'd be knocking back the cannabis, regardless. A lot of the studies concur on cannabinoids having significant anti-cancer properties, even to the point of conferring protection against it.

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I was thinking more in terms of how feasible it would be (for drug companies) to monetise something that you can basically grow in the back garden. On the surface of it, you'd think the drug companies would want to keep something like that suppressed, while they push their own product?

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I was thinking more in terms of how feasible it would be (for drug companies) to monetise something that you can basically grow in the back garden.


Economies of scale.


Same reason why you shop at Tesco and don't grow your own food.

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I was thinking more in terms of how feasible it would be (for drug companies) to monetise something that you can basically grow in the back garden. On the surface of it, you'd think the drug companies would want to keep something like that suppressed, while they push their own product?


They can try and monetise it by isolating the hundreds of cannabinoid terpenes and related acids, and evaluating them individually as treatments for many different diseases.


They will then be able to produce synthetic, possibly even more effective, analogs.


At the moment most medical grade cannabinoid based medicine is still extracted from the plant, and as a result, are more or less identical to herbal cannabis in terms of their cannabinoid profile.

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