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What if Cannabis Cured Cancer ?

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Yes , but how many people get lung cancer as a secondary cancer , ie. the cancer starts somewhere else but spreads to the lungs because of the high passage of blood through the lungs ?


The video refers to 4 compounds , THC , CBD (analgesic and anti-inflammatory , anti-psychotic effects ) , CBC ( natural anti-inflammatory) and THCV . Studies have shown that cannabinoids have anti-proliferative effects against cancer cells , and can stop tumours growing their own blood supply

( angiogenesis).


This video has made me question the corporate media , who constantly refer to drug gangs , drug dealers and society losers . Can anyone remember a Corrie story where someone gave Mavis a cannabis plant , she didn't know what it was for a while then was mortified when she found out ?

Can you imagine that being a soap storyline these days , I miss those days of innocence !

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Watched a YouTube video recently about this , thanks to a Forum link . I'm not a user myself , always been put off by the illegality aspect , but this video opened my eyes somewhat !

Cannabis , in some form or another , used to be widely used for self medication and was a staple part of the doctor's bag of medicines .


It was used for labour pains , asthma , rheumatism , and was also given to "cranky babies". Apparently Queen Victoria used it for period pains .....


Having watched most of this video , have become concerned about the use of the law to make this herb very illegal .


In 1937 , a US Federal Law was passed making cannabinoids illegal , but THIS WAS OPPOSED BY THE US MEDICAL ASSOCIATION of the day .....


This was around the same time that the new , profit-driven , assembly-line "Big Pharma" companies were getting started .... Hmmmmm


Doctors in 2012 still don't have a "golden bullet" to relieve pain , Sativex is a cannabinoid released onto the market around 2005 - it seems to me that the powers that be want to stop people growing their own on a tiny scale but are happy for "big Pharma" to start selling it !!!


What exactly is the thread about?

I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but the title reads "What if cannabis cured cancer?" yet there is no mention of anything like this in your opening post :huh:

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What exactly is the thread about?

I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but the title reads "What if cannabis cured cancer?" yet there is no mention of anything like this in your opening post :huh:


I agree, and why would whoever is behind this conspiracy, be happy for Heroin, Cocaine and Ketamine be prescribed and administered for pain relief but somehow stop Cannabis entering general usage?

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The the argument is really about medication, it's about getting stoned. Cannabis can be taken in medical form without the high, but cannabis users don't want that; I wonder why?
I imagine people in pain do, they'll take what they can get if gives relief
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What exactly is the thread about?

I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but the title reads "What if cannabis cured cancer?" yet there is no mention of anything like this in your opening post :huh:


i think he means what if.....would it still be illegal cos of the history of its prohibition and the people alledged to conspire behind making it illegal, even tho it could be a revolutionary cure

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I agree, and why would whoever is behind this conspiracy, be happy for Heroin, Cocaine and Ketamine be prescribed and administered for pain relief but somehow stop Cannabis entering general usage?


It's because until recently there was no evidence that cannabinoids had any efficacy in properly controlled clinical trials. Drug companies have spent billions in the last 40 or so years on cannabis derivatives which have proved totally useless in clinical trials.


GWpharma who make Sativex had a lot of trouble getting it licensed. Why? Because actually it performed pretty poorly in placebo controlled cross over studies, but GW worked hard with the regulators to design intricate trials with phased withdrawals to try and prove the efficacy of Sativex.


In addition GW spent years working on the pharmacology, formulation and delivery of sativex. It's impossible to get high from Sativex, the reason is because it's designed that way. The release is slow, which increases it's bioavailability and efficacy in pain relief and anti-inflammation. The short sharp spike of smoking cannabis is not useful for this. If you are really interested in the useful properties of the plant then you shouldn't smoke it. Not least because the dangers of tobacco smoking are just as prevalent in cannabis smoking.

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Marijuana doesn`t seem that safe lately.Remember the zombie attack in America ....



Marijuana caused Miami zombie face chewing, bath salts ruled out


A Florida medical examiner says only marijuana was found in the system of a Florida man shot while chewing another man's face.




Unless he was just,you know,crazy!!

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The the argument is really about medication, it's about getting stoned. Cannabis can be taken in medical form without the high


That's clever, what do they do to it?


Medicinal users of clinically regulated cannabis derivative drugs and synthetic cannabinoids regularly report overwhelming psychological side effects (getting high when they don't want to), in the oral forms of the drug particularly.


It is interesting to note that the pharmaceutical companies have zeroed in on four or five prinicple cannabinoids, extracted them, and synthesized their amines etc. One is marketed as anti-inflammatory, another as analgesic, another as antispasmic and so on.


However in N.California and Oregon, a tremendous repository of evidence has been built up over time about which particular strains are best for what, and to a much finer degree and resolution, providing a much greater spectrum of efficacy from herbal cannabis.


This is in large part because the porportions of lesser cannabinoids, congeners and other constituents present in herbal cannabis, as opposed to the single substance pharmaceuticals, not only mediate the character of the high, which various enormously but also the medical characteristics.


Pharmaceutical companies have not picked up on the fact that small nuances in minor constituents of herbal cannabis have highly significant consequences.


What is more, the methods of administration currently available are sub-optimal. The only cannabis related death in Sheffield was of a woman taking, amongst other things, a Sativex prescription. Had she been vapourising a tailored strain or even a particular phenotype particular to her condition (neuropathic pain), it might have been very different.


"Today's inquest at the medico-legal centre in Sheffield will hear that Rene Anderson, who had diabetes, joined the trials of Sativex at the Royal Hallamshire hospital. Doctors thought the experimental drug might alleviate the nerve pains she had in her hands and feet. Shortly after starting the drug she developed psychosis and went to hospital. The psychosis was not controlled and after 10 weeks in hospital she developed physical problems, including pneumonia and kidney failure. She died on March 3."


Maybe GW pharmaceuticals shouldn't have chosen the overwhelming Afghan Kush strain for their product and adopted sublingual administration?


So in a sentence, if it's cannabis - you get high; it may be the effect you're after, it may be an unwanted side effect, but you do get high.


Remember though, it's common for first time users to miss the high altogether except when faced with a concentrated product given at a high, fixed dose.



Medical users of herbal cannabis tend to pick the route of administration that best suits them, and are perfectly well able to manage their own dosage thanks to the consistency and quality of the products.


No such liberty for the medical patient prescribed a cannabis derivative.

Edited by Phanerothyme
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Oh, and it's pretty good for cancer, so far as anyone can tell. And bizarrely spliff smokers have a lower incidence of COPD than normal tobacco smokers, given similar rates of tobacco consumption.


That's before you get on to the prophylactic neurological benefits.

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Why is it whenever I pass by one of these "marijuana clinics" the people who hang around there look like a lot of layabouts and scruffs


I never heard that maryjane cures cancer but it seems to cure a lot of people of the habit of looking after themselves

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