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What if Cannabis Cured Cancer ?

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Now read some science instead of swallowing you tube nonsense.




"Problem: It takes exactly the same amount of energy to pry those hydrogen and oxygen atoms apart inside the electrolysis cell as you get back when they recombine inside the fuel cell. The laws of thermodynamics haven't changed, in spite of any hype you read on some blog or news aggregator. Subtract the losses to heat in the engine and alternator and electrolysis cell, and you're losing energy, not gaining it--period.


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Marijuana doesn`t seem that safe lately.Remember the zombie attack in America ....



Marijuana caused Miami zombie face chewing, bath salts ruled out


A Florida medical examiner says only marijuana was found in the system of a Florida man shot while chewing another man's face.




Unless he was just,you know,crazy!!

i smoked all sorts of cannabis for 18 years (weed, skunk, sputnik, double zero, rocky, slate, hash, squidgy black, oil)


NONE of it made me do anything remotely like that, not even think it

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You do believe some drivel.


The first bloke - how do you supress the knowledge about a nobel prizewinner and his work (btw he discovered causes not a cure),


Errrmmm lemme think. You rule the planet using secret societies. You own all the newspapers and invent the television set to brainwash everybody!


Its that simple!






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Now read some science instead of swallowing you tube nonsense.




"Problem: It takes exactly the same amount of energy to pry those hydrogen and oxygen atoms apart inside the electrolysis cell as you get back when they recombine inside the fuel cell. The laws of thermodynamics haven't changed, in spite of any hype you read on some blog or news aggregator. Subtract the losses to heat in the engine and alternator and electrolysis cell, and you're losing energy, not gaining it--period.




I dont read garbage like that, didnt they try to con people into believing that 911 was done by a bunch of cave dwelling goat herders instead of the CIA MI6 and Mossad on behalf of Rockafella and his blue blooded friends?

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All cancer cures are natural and occur naturally in the environment and therefor cant be patented.



It is a fallacy that cures that occur naturally cannot be patented.


The active ingredient in Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid , occurs naturally. This hasn't stopped Aspirin and it's many variants (aspro, disprin etc) being patented and/or trademarked and becoming a multi billion pound industry.

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There is a difference between curing cancer, and relieving the pain of cancer. Unfortunately there is no cure yet for cancer but I believe they arent far off.


As for the smoking of pure cannabis, that is more likely to give you cancer of the lung than cure you.

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I dont read garbage like that, didnt they try to con people into believing that 911 was done by a bunch of cave dwelling goat herders instead of the CIA MI6 and Mossad on behalf of Rockafella and his blue blooded friends?


So you do racist rubbish as well. The "cave dwelling goat herders" were largely well educated, spoke English and had lived in the west. None lived in caves or herded goats.

Edited by Longcol
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Oh hi there, buddy i was wondering when you would pop into one of my threads, seems like you follow me around, are you a fan?

This is one of YOUR threads? I thought Saunaman started it.

If it was your thread, you'd know that it has...

... absoloutely nothing to do with water powered cars.


Just out of curiosity, are you like 14 years old or something?

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