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Does the term offend you? Do you see it as a form of sexism/discrimination?


Should we in the UK ban it? We seem to have recognised that "Miss" is a somewhat outdated term but it can still be used on official documents etc.


If Mrs = I'm married, then Miss will indicate that I'm not so therefore 'available'. No term for the male is an indication of availability. Is it time for women to be recognised as such?..or is it a load of old palava?




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Surely it's all down to personal preference, "innit"?


I am a divorcee, but still use Mrs, as I am not keen on "Ms", personally. and At my age I feel I'm too old to go back to using "Miss" (and in "Miss", there's shades of Dick Emery's "Mandy" -remember her, anyone?)

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how about 'wench'? ;)


madam always sounds a bit pompous, but i suppose its the equivalent of Sir, i think you have to be the right sort of person to get away with calling people sir and madam without sounding a complete nob

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Surely it's all down to personal preference, "innit"?


I am a divorcee, but still use Mrs, as I am not keen on "Ms", personally. and At my age I feel I'm too old to go back to using "Miss" (and in "Miss", there's shades of Dick Emery's "Mandy" -remember her, anyone?)


I wonder why the terms, used as a sign of availability or not, are so acceptable in a time where women are considered equal in every right?


Ms on the other hand indicates nothing more than Mr does for males.

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how about 'wench'? ;)


madam always sounds a bit pompous, but i suppose its the equivalent of Sir, i think you have to be the right sort of person to get away with calling people sir and madam without sounding a complete nob


Lol at wench. :)

Formal letters usually use "Sir" or "Madam".

Meeting someone in the street usually involves "Ey up".

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how about 'wench'? ;)


madam always sounds a bit pompous, but i suppose its the equivalent of Sir, i think you have to be the right sort of person to get away with calling people sir and madam without sounding a complete nob


Strewth...I naively called a woman madam once when younger, big mistake. :(

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