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It's a code.


Mrs. = married/divorced/widowed

Miss. = under 25 and available

Ms. = something wrong with her/never married/ardent feminist/has many cats

Madam = female pimp/brothel owner

Ma'am = old lady

Mademoiselle = hot French teacher/au pair



Also, wasn't there "master" for unmarried blokes? Or was it just me getting those mails? :wink:

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how about 'wench'? ;)


madam always sounds a bit pompous, but i suppose its the equivalent of Sir, i think you have to be the right sort of person to get away with calling people sir and madam without sounding a complete nob


Errrrr...The yanks do it all the time (almost.... Maaam).....Draw your own conclusions!...:hihi:

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Surely it's all down to personal preference, "innit"?


I am a divorcee, but still use Mrs, as I am not keen on "Ms", personally. and At my age I feel I'm too old to go back to using "Miss" (and in "Miss", there's shades of Dick Emery's "Mandy" -remember her, anyone?)


Certainly do Plaintalker, when I was a kid one of our neighbours was the image of her..


http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&biw=1680&bih=913&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnso&tbnid=2KNyn6SB5yDonM:&imgrefurl=http://wn.com/The_Dick_Emery_Show&docid=V_VZq-EhSiekWM&imgurl=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/97aB71F-430/0.jpg&w=480&h=360&ei=cdPqT730EKnC0QX4iJnXBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=193&vpy=67&dur=436&hovh=188&hovw=252&tx=114&ty=104&sig=111540632347307129970&page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=189&start=0&ndsp=48&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0,i:104 :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Surely it's all down to personal preference, "innit"?


I am a divorcee, but still use Mrs, as I am not keen on "Ms", personally. and At my age I feel I'm too old to go back to using "Miss" (and in "Miss", there's shades of Dick Emery's "Mandy" -remember her, anyone?)



Oh Plain Talker, You are awful but I like you...........:hihi:

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Ms drives me nuts I am officially now a mrs which I don't like either. I think it should be miss for any female!


Why use it then? I've been married for years, kept my own surname and always use the title "Miss".


It's only ever caused a very minor problem once, when an online insurance comparison site form said that picking "Miss" and ticking "married" was an error so I couldn't submit the form. They just didn't get my business. Other than that I've had no issues retaining "Miss"

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