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What will we do when the Government run out of things to 'cut'?

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I'm not blaming them for the global crisis although they were key players and should take some responsibility for the mess. But I do blame them for the UK's problems regarding youth unemployment and unaffordable housing, the oversized public sector, the amount of people economically inactive, and some of the debts the country now has.


Why is the public sector oversized?

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They will be rounding up civilians to shoot, cut down on things even more lol. I bet they will target pensioners first seen as David Cameron is always complaining about how they are a burden on our society, I can think of others who are more of a burden than pensioners can our Government get anything right ever??. :);)

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How the hell are you blaming Labour for a GLOBAL CRISIS caused by Banks, Billionaires Trillionaires, Greedy incompetent Investors, and Governments who are in the pockets of the aforementioned culprits?


Do they NEVER learn?


It seems you don't learn, or at least read the replies posted in response to your rants.


See post 7 for a start and you'll see Labour waste. They may not be to blame for the global crisis, but they are to blame for reckless spending.


But you might not see this from your armchair position - so take it from someone who saw it first hand.

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It seems you don't learn, or at least read the replies posted in response to your rants.


See post 7 for a start and you'll see Labour waste. They may not be to blame for the global crisis, but they are to blame for reckless spending.


But you might not see this from your armchair position - so take it from someone who saw it first hand.



Maybe this would help them to understand, but I doubt it.:roll:

Saturday 28 July 2012


Sir Mervyn King admits policymakers made 'major mistakes' in financial crisis

Sir Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, has said for the first time that the financial crisis was the result of “major mistakes” by economic policymakers and not the bad behaviour of bankers.

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gordon brown's just like the rest of them .


According to " they workforus.com/mps" , this man has earned £729,129 for speeches since 2010, he's made it known that he wants to be the next Kofi Annan , and is taking a voluntary post to "oversee education in the developing world" .


He is very rarely seen speaking in the House of Whatever , yet presumably still gets paid for it, add him to the guillotine list !!!

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gordon brown's just like the rest of them .


According to " they workforus.com/mps" , this man has earned £729,129 for speeches since 2010, he's made it known that he wants to be the next Kofi Annan , and is taking a voluntary post to "oversee education in the developing world" .


He is very rarely seen speaking in the House of Whatever , yet presumably still gets paid for it, add him to the guillotine list !!!


They're all similar mate, but two bob millionaires will always blame Labour. These Tories cannot get it in to their head that no political party in Britain had owt to do with the troubles in Spain, Greece ( a right wing Government as it happens ) Portugal and Ireland. But when it comes to Britains problems, it's always Labours fault all the way. They are blamed for being in power, for having been in power, or for looking to be in power. Tories are always entirely blameless. Mrs Thatcher for instance. As near a perfect human being as you could get. She never sold arms to despots and she certainly never profited from being Prime Minister. It was Blair who did that. Cameron, of course, would never dream of such a thing.

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Maybe this would help them to understand, but I doubt it.:roll:

Saturday 28 July 2012


Sir Mervyn King admits policymakers made 'major mistakes' in financial crisis

Sir Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, has said for the first time that the financial crisis was the result of “major mistakes” by economic policymakers and not the bad behaviour of bankers.


A bit of arrogance there mi owd. Tories understand everything, everyone else is wrong. Marvellous!

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A bit of arrogance there mi owd. Tories understand everything, everyone else is wrong. Marvellous!

I wouldn’t have a clue which party Mervyn King votes for but at least now he is accepting what many people already new.

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