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What will we do when the Government run out of things to 'cut'?

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Why dont you actually stop and use your brain. So the outlay was 24 billion. So what? Experts say self inflicted diabeties costs the NHS £17 billion, selef inflicted alchol abuse another 6 billion each year.


How about our councils wasting billions of pounds of plush offices, artworks, fancy dinners, 5* hotel conference venues and filling their books with overpaid non jobs.


How about the billions of pounds subsiding council housing for those without a genuine need for it. Yes, I love how my hard earned taxes go to pay for someone with a better job to live in their subsidised council house whilst i have to pay a fortune for my rent. Bob Crow anyone?


24 billion is small change in the big world.


Unlike the NHS the olympics will actually recoup monies back. Bejing even cleared over a billion in PROFIT.


Think about the tv rights, footage clearance copy righted logo and images which all have to be paid for by every single media network, magazine, newspaper, online journals that alone will bring in billions.


Think about the income from the millions of tv hosts, talent, journalists, film crews, support staff, production vehicles which have flooded into the county. All these people are paying for office/studio rental, service charges, hotel accomodation, food, shops and services, local travel and day to day expenses. All that money is going to our businesses every single day they are here.


Think about the millions to foreign tourists who have attended to see the Olympics, all those people need accommodating too, where do you think they are staying? Where do you think the money is being spent.


Lets not forget we have it all over again on a smaller scale with the paralympics too.


So, 24 billion spent, just a snip out of the public purse in real scheme of things.


BUT UNLIKE the top staff heavy and badly managed NHS, local government and police services....


OR the completely outdated and underused library services and community centres......


OR the overstaffed, badly managed, badly operated and filled with union crybaby, civil services.......


The Olympics actually has potential to well and truely recoup some of all of its own outlay.


Show me many other government funded things that do that.


Quite a reasoned post this one.

I'd say it was mainly wrong, but you have put some thought in to it at least, unlike some who cannot find fault with anything certain politicians do.


Your post? All the outgoings are paid by everyone in the country.

Most of the incomings are going in to a few select pockets.


Good game, good game.


I want my share of the outgoings back, as I don't like the end result, and where any profit is going.

Do you think I've got a chance?


I know who provides the initial dosh for them to splash out to provide this 'windfall' for the few though. Me and thee.


I'll not see penny one of any 'profit'. Neither, I assume, will you.

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They cut funding for schools. To 'save money', the schools were asked to sell off the playing fields. Tenders to buy the land were offered.

They sold off most of the school playing fields to their big builder mates and their property investment tycoons to build supermarkets and houses on.


200 school playing fields were sold off under Labour.


A Labour councillor on Sky News last night was complaining about the latest sell off, the Sky News presenter gave her these facts but all she could reply with was "Yes, but the Tories did it before 1997".


She couldn't and wouldn't answer why Labour followed the Tories, and that sums them up perfectly.

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[quote name=Hotmale


....God help this country in the next 30 years.[/quote]


I share the the final words in the OP's and have found some bleak assesments summarised below. But there are signs, if you dig deep enough, from around the world people are showing spirit in claiming back their rights to exist without 'the market is God' idealogy.


Preparing for the Consequences:


The Growth of Prison Facilities.


In Britain new prison construction represents


"the largest expansion programme undertaken this century. Twenty-six new prisons between 1983 and 1995 will be provided, at an estimated total capital cost of £870 million at 1987 prices."


As neo-liberal policies have come to be adopted across the industrial nations, as they have started the process of dismantling the welfare state and downsizing the size and role of government, one clear countertendency stands out: the expansion of forms of coercive social control in almost every country.


The coming of the global economy has brought with it the "sovereignty of capital,"


Our national liberal democracy made it both necessary and advantageous for capital to compromise on the property rights attached to capital for citizens.


Capital has little need to compromise with national political policy, and indeed it is positioned to demand broad policies reflecting its own needs - hence, neo-liberalism


But at the global level there is no comparable political structure or jurisdiction, and there the accumulation of capitalist private property can be pursued without political interference


The political dilemma is how to maintain the trappings of democracy as crucial to social control, while economic inequality and long-term unemployment increase, chronic decline of living standards sets in, and the powers of national and local government decline.


Voter apathy will be the least important, while a range of extraparliamentary activities will grow, encompassing forms of direct political and economic action, both legal and illegal, and perhaps more terrorism.


The future of social control, given the declining legitimacy of government and growing unemployment, is almost certainly going to rest increasingly on forms of state coercion

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200 school playing fields were sold off under Labour.


A Labour councillor on Sky News last night was complaining about the latest sell off, the Sky News presenter gave her these facts but all she could reply with was "Yes, but the Tories did it before 1997".


She couldn't and wouldn't answer why Labour followed the Tories, and that sums them up perfectly.


You accuse me of not reading other people's posts, then prove with this one that you definitely don't.

For the umpteenth time, I'm Politician bashing, not just Tory bashing. I've said many times that we have had a Tory Government since 1979 in this country.

Thatcher, then Blair, then Brown, then an unelected Cameron.

Some were raving Tories, and some were 'New Labour'

New Labour is Government speak for 'part time Tory'. Like I said much earlier,

Thatcher started the 'greed is good' culture, and destroyed many industries to concentrate on being a 'financial centre' and successive Governments have all carried on her crappy policies. Hence the trouble we have found ourselves in.

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We all knew years before the Games started, the Companies who would be at the forefront, and splashed all over London, and the Stadia.


For Drinks, the winner is ........................ Coca Cola

For Burgers ........................ McDonalds

For Medicines ................. Glaxo Smith Kline

For Elecricity ....................... Blah, blah, blah.


Always the same companies, all in no danger of losing their tidy little contracts with most Governments worldwide.


Did you hear of the lady at Wimbledon who had her Yoghurt taken from her hands by a Steward because 'it wasn't supplied by the Official Supplier to the Championships'?


And some people deny that the certain few are pocketing the vast majority.

What fools they are.

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You accuse me of not reading other people's posts, then prove with this one that you definitely don't.

For the umpteenth time, I'm Politician bashing, not just Tory bashing. I've said many times that we have had a Tory Government since 1979 in this country.

Thatcher, then Blair, then Brown, then an unelected Cameron.

Some were raving Tories, and some were 'New Labour'

New Labour is Government speak for 'part time Tory'. Like I said much earlier,

Thatcher started the 'greed is good' culture, and destroyed many industries to concentrate on being a 'financial centre' and successive Governments have all carried on her crappy policies. Hence the trouble we have found ourselves in.


Then why did you only mention the recent sell off plans?


If you're only going to mention part of an issue then it makes you look like an ill-informed ranter.

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200 school playing fields were sold off under Labour.


A Labour councillor on Sky News last night was complaining about the latest sell off, the Sky News presenter gave her these facts but all she could reply with was "Yes, but the Tories did it before 1997".


She couldn't and wouldn't answer why Labour followed the Tories, and that sums them up perfectly.


200 school playing fields sold off under Labour hardly compares to the estimated 10,000 sold off between 1979 and 1997.


Now the current lot have scrapped rules governing the minimum outdoor space schools have to provide for team sports. All that bluster about Olympic legacy whilst school sports funding is slashed, food standards are scrapped in Free Schools and the rules for selling off space are abandoned.

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200 school playing fields sold off under Labour hardly compares to the estimated 10,000 sold off between 1979 and 1997.


I note it says estimated. Do you have any actual figures, or is it going to be like this post where you made a similar claim regarding school sports but failed to back it up and ignored my reply which proved otherwise?


As for the new rules on playing fields, that's a good thing. I know one school which owns fields which can be 15 minutes walk from the school building and are never used. So what's wrong with selling unwanted land?


Even your own BBC link contradicts the report:


The government was also criticised earlier this month when it was revealed the education secretary had approved the sale of 21 school sports fields in the past two years.


But the DfE later said that 14 of the fields were at schools that had closed, four were sites that became surplus when existing schools amalgamated and one was surplus marginal grassland on the school site, with the proceeds invested in the school library and better sports changing facilities.


But people just read the headline, which is based on someone's assumption - an assumption to fit their biased agenda.

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The cost of property rental fell over the period 2009 to 2011, but the market is 'recovering' now.


That means that the rents were extortionate, people told the landlords where to go, so the landlords reduced the prices.

'Recovering' means "we can start ripping people off for enormous amounts again"


Greed, greed, greed.


Married 30+ year olds with sometimes 2 kids having to live with their parents because they can neither rent, or buy?


Thatcher encouraged everyone to buy, buy, buy. Buy your pigeon cote, buy your allotment, buy your house, sell your children............... especially sell your children, (and your Grandma)


Successive Governments have conspired to make it almost impossible for young uns to do anything with their lives.


Following winning a war that should never have been, this country was thrown off a huge cliff in 1983.

We've not hit the bottom yet, but we are very close.


Thanks Margaret, Tony, Gordon and Cameron.

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