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What will we do when the Government run out of things to 'cut'?

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We certainly have more disposable income now than in the 70s, and home appliances are much cheaper. I remember when a colour TV in a house was a rarity, now it seems to be one in every room.


I saw my first colour TV in the 1970's and was shocked to learn that Emma Peel was a redhead.


That was the highlight of the decade I think.

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Less Schools, Libraries, Parks, Street Lighting, Grass Cutting etc, etc.

What haven't they cut?

What's to be ruined next?


- I think you'll find that's "fewer" Schools, Libraries, Parks, although "less" street lighting and grass cutting is correct.


If what you're talking about can be counted as items, then use "fewer". If it's an amorphous quantity, then "less" is correct.


I have few gallons in my tank


I have less petrol in my tank


"Less" NEVER refers to people... as they can be counted.


"Fewer people believe a word politicians say these days..."

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Before it reaches that point, they'll say the services are not fit for purpose and sell whatever service left to the highest bidder, for a quick buck. This is what the Tories always do. Obviously, this is a disastrous scenario for the country as a whole, because private enterprises will quite happily screw us over to line the directors and share holders pockets. I don't think you need me to provide any examples of where that's happened or is happening right now. The challenge is to oppose this strategy and to recognise when the government does not have our interests at heart.


If you really think a state organisation can run ANYTHING well, you're seriously deluded. The Post Office is a case in point - TNT beat them hands down for service speed and reliability.


Jobcentres? Don't make me laugh....


The police? I don't think so....when did they ever do anything other than zoom past with sirens blaring on their way to.. something more important than your problem....


Imagine the shambles if supermarkets were a state-run thing.. apart from all the staff either being on the sick , or on constant Diversity Awareness courses, there'd be notices all over:


"No potatoes till April, when we get our next year's budget - it's the cuts"....


Anyone wanting to buy unhealthy food can only do so with an exemption note from their GP enabling them to bypass the requirements of the Family Health and Obesity Reduction policy, set out in Statutory Instrument 1456/2012".

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Were things really better in the 1970's? :huh:


Having lived through the 1970's with the 3 day week, daily power cuts, rubbish and vermin building up in the streets and the entire country being held to ransom by the Trade Unions, I have a different memory of it.


this was my thought as well.

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No matter what you think, the goverment has only made around 5% cut's in the total budget.


If Labour, specially G Brown esq. had not increased it beyond our mean's, and don't forget we are still borrowing millions to make up the short fall in the lack of tax revenue, we not be in the mire now.


Cut benefits, no child benefit after 2 kids and no state pension or winter fuel allowances for any one on 100k or more.

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If you really think a state organisation can run ANYTHING well, you're seriously deluded. The Post Office is a case in point - TNT beat them hands down for service speed and reliability.


You're not comparing like for like here, you mean the Royal Mail, which is a wholly seperate entity to the Post Office.



Jobcentres? Don't make me laugh....


Yes fair enough.


The police? I don't think so....when did they ever do anything other than zoom past with sirens blaring on their way to.. something more important than your problem....


So you want the police force to be privatised??


Imagine the shambles if supermarkets were a state-run thing.. apart from all the staff either being on the sick , or on constant Diversity Awareness courses, there'd be notices all over:


"No potatoes till April, when we get our next year's budget - it's the cuts"....


Anyone wanting to buy unhealthy food can only do so with an exemption note from their GP enabling them to bypass the requirements of the Family Health and Obesity Reduction policy, set out in Statutory Instrument 1456/2012".


Nobody sensible wants to nationalise the supermarkets.

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"If you really think a state organisation can run ANYTHING well, you're seriously deluded"


I have history on my side, whereas you have... nothing, just a bunch of ideals. In fact I have more than history, I also have the present. Everything that has gone private sector has become far more expensive and the services are worse, not better. Trains do not run on time. Buses do not turn up. Prices go up and up and way above inflationary rates. Face reality and man up. Privatisation is about making a select few very rich and at our expense... and we're supposed to think that 'worse' is 'better'. Some of us are not so stupid.

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"If you really think a state organisation can run ANYTHING well, you're seriously deluded"


I have history on my side, whereas you have... nothing, just a bunch of ideals. In fact I have more than history, I also have the present. Everything that has gone private sector has become far more expensive and the services are worse, not better. Trains do not run on time. Buses do not turn up. Prices go up and up and way above inflationary rates. Face reality and man up. Privatisation is about making a select few very rich and at our expense... and we're supposed to think that 'worse' is 'better'. Some of us are not so stupid.


Hi Kingius,


I agree with you, somethings should not be in Private sector hands, water, gas and power. All owned by foreign powers. Build more coal powered power stations and open UK pits. The green agenda is crippling the UK.


In a few years time, the goverment will reallise this. Not Rocket science.

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